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Show THE CITIZEN, Preetoo. Make - Nmaber tS, Bsha M Hny RICHMOND Expanded Library Service To Be Aired A short term demonstralon of expanded library service in FTank-ll- n and other counties which would Include a bookmobile is now under discussion. A meeting to make tentative plans for the demonstration will be held In Preston on December 5. The mooing will be for library boanf members, city councilmen and other interested persons from Bannock, Oneida, Bear Lake and Caribou counties. It will be held state-financ- ed in the Preston public library. Maps have been sent to the chairmen of the library boards who have been instructed to add any new roads not shown and indip cate possible bookmobile stops and desirable locations for stations. Bookmobile stops may be in villages, one ox two rooms schools not located in villages, at community halls and existing pubic or district libraries. to Mrs. Helen According posit stations have revolving collections of books and may be located most anywhere in stores, post offices, homes or wherever someone will supply shelf space. They are serviced by the bookmobile and are especially desireable in communities where there are several voracious readers or where road conditions may delay the bookmobile. may be left at or mailed in if ur- Action on the proposed service - which would oe for a short term on a demonstration basis would be taken at the state library board meelng on December IS. Mrs. Miller said that if there is a firm proposal from the library board trustees in the southeast area of Idaho it would be acted upon by the state library board a that time. -- Friday Seventies quorum of the South ward sponsored' a fond raising dinner in the community building. The affair wu very well attended. Members of the quorum and their wives prepared and served the dinner. Following. dinner Adrian Blau introduced the following program: two songs by Lyette Robinson, accompane ied by her mother, Mrs. Robinson, and a song by Leon and Genial Webb, accompanied by their son Reed and .a piano solo by Reed. the- Requests M. Miller, state librarian, stations who presented the plan, de- gent. Tht Hack eve-la- g North Cache Valley Mourns - Lo-en- Wntad North Cache Many of the business firms' Simitar telegrams and ed with the rest of the na- were dosed Monday along sent by the Republican tion over the weekend in with the banks, schools and Democratic central commitwhat wu probably the most public offices. Almost all tees of Cache county. personal national tragedy were closed between 10 a.m. THE DEATH of the Presmat has come for many and noon for the Presidents ident wu taken by people years. It was a black week- funeral. a of the valley almost end in the valley u it wu one of as to WORDS OF blow, personal sympathy in other parts of the nation. the Knmdv the Immediate family, be Flags of all of the public lent by many of the resi- they Republican or Dembuildings in the valley were dents of the valley, including ocrat Tiw news that the lowered almost immediately telegrams from the Demo- President bad died reached to half mast upon hearing cratic Central committee of most of the people right at of the usasinatfan of Pres- Franklin county with Mer- lunch time, end many were ident, John F. Kennedy. lin Whittle, chairman, and unable to finish with their the Republican Central com- meals. Lewi s t o n, In Preston, mittee of Franklin county Richmond and the other with Phenol Edgley, chair- towns of the valley, ' the streets were almost deserted man. The two groups also sent during the funeral with evtelegrams to President Lyn- eryone home watching the u proceedings on television. don Johnson. 1ST m HILO'S PQESTOn PARFAR FINEST QUALITY LOW PRICES 1 ' , J . , U. S. INSPECTED CHOICE BEEF IBS. J. R. LEAN TENDER BACON rtdnrrihT- Fish Sticks SWIFT PREMIUM najii 1 WRAPPED CARNATION PLASTIC STAR KIST CHUNK MMMY DOT MILK Tomato 11 4Cansggc - ttt WOODS CROSS hr. Ne. REG. gj) Com Beef 2 Cans LIBBYS Can GBAFEFDU1T SERIOUS Me 12QT. Q!T. .. $LM 1 Me $ . gg)e 2 Lb. Can . Lb. Can . 3 Shaven 4 Cons REG., DRIP OR FINE Hntiloll V Earn Perfect Grades Some 25 students at North Cache High School earned perfect grades for tin first quarter according to Robert uahle, principal. Eighteen otaers missed the cans i penect graaes with me is. The mim of the students were on the quarter minor roll released by the principal. THOSE WITH all As included, Gary Anuerson, Kathy Bargeson, Ann Biscboff, Kobert carmin, Annette Cooley, Vicky Lee Covey, Sue Ann Ericsson, J. I). Evans, 11a Marie Goodey, Marcile Uranay, Cindy uriffin, Jeff Patsy Hemp, Gyllenskog, PLENTY OF FBI PARKING Fresh IF YOU WANT GUYS ffesh Dinner BOLLS FOR your Hadishes Giant BUNCH panties PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY 777 lanrs V ,f A e at- MML Pfwq (CHI AND COFFEE SHOP ! ,0 b'b 2 tor 1C V ren, Susan Munk, Glade My-it- r, jan Pitcner, nancy Schaub, Christie Smith, Dix ie Smitt, Genan Tayior, Syd-nl- e Theurer, Mary Alice Timmins, Donna Spackman. CotmlryQab m ' LONG GREEN CALIFORNIA Onions Size buroara nendricu, Jilt Bar- CUKES Green CmUSTHAS f Students Twenty-Fiv-e ; j POST OFFICE LEWISTON VETS i h BUSHEL SIZE Lb. Can 1 71c .... tgffo COFFEE I 8qt.size - cans 3 tor c Me Laundry Basket INSTANT fffckrfa - Hex. Pkg m TOMA PET 35c LB. PEGS. jk - ff JOHNSON RESIDENCE, RICHMOND NIGHT Elects NewOfficns Owen Wahlstrom wu named president of the Preston Golf and Country dub this week, succeeding Dr. Glair Cutler. Vice President la DeMar MerrilL Three new directora, elected to serve thru years, include Sherwfat Webb, Dr. Leo Hawku and John Cole. ! THOSE WITH As and one B include: Sam Bodily, Al-de- ne Cornish , Maxine Godfrey, Toni Hansen, Kathy Hendicks , Dennis Jackson, Shirley Kitchen, Judy Louie, Craig Morrison. Marita Packer, Janls Read, Louise Reese, Jo Marta Smith, Paulette Smith, Marie Spaceman, Neil Whiting, Winifred Hill and Nancy Tout - CACHE Wives Association are Mrs. F. Edls Taggart. Lewiston, President; Bus. Kenneth (tar-doBenson Ward, Vice President; Mrs. Dm Hansen, with Smithfield, Secretary, of the following members the board, representing their separate communities: Mrs. Roland Johnson, Cornish ;Mrs Gale Spackman, Lewiston; Mrs. Ivan Allen, Cove; Mrs. Lew Alsop, Trenton; Mrs. Herbert Taylor, Richmond; Mrs. Bernal Hilliard, Smith-field- ; Mrs. Kendrick Munk, Amalga; Mrs. R. L. Ballard, Benson; Mrs. Claud Peterson I Newton; Mrs. Norman Loostaf Clarkiton; Sirs. Fred Son Gi son, Mendon; Mrs. Israel son, No. Logan; Mi Marsden Balls, Hyda Park Mrt. J. W. Mrs. Clyde vldence; Mrs. - Ro PrdiseAvnn.- Mrs. Ntatoon, Hyram; Mrs. Vs Sinn hCOtt. Mj Ftan Zollinger, College Mrs. Wayne Johnson, ley; Mrs. Frank Young Ward; and Mrs. Hendry, Wduevilta. n, |