Show A married man says that when he first married ho he had bad been in in the lappy happy state of matrimony lust just six nonias bonhs he loved his wife to such a legree degree that he thought he could eat ler up and now he be jasd d sorry ie there are three roads reads out of a bad scrape to fight fi out to back out and 0 o keep ou buethe iasa is esthe ta lest best an elderly spinster finster wrote to it a friend A widower with ten child ren has propos proposed S ed and I 1 have accepted this is the number jim I 1 should have been entitled to if I 1 had married mafrici I 1 at the time A machine for the manufacture of f ice is now in operation in london J which turns out three tons of that commodity daily it is the dinv inv invention I 1 antion of mr harris of australia the refrigeration is prod produced aced by the evaporation 0 ratio of ether in a vacuum plant trees cult cultivable ivale flowers malce make the earth beautiful and fragrant the more lovely because we live in it and the more Talu able t to 0 those who shall come after us to ascertain whether your wife is jealous lace up another ladys shoes and let her catch caich you at it if that dont donl make mak e her round shouldered nothing will aomen 1111 omen are created half dev devil il and half haf angel and the angel part soars scars to ilervern from the marriage altar vey ey truthfully remarks some wise philosopher bathe but he does not add that it is because at that point poin II 11 sh she e meets the other half of her divil nature nature then has no further use for the a angelic I 1 lc |