Show RUSSELL IJ CO GOODS A d T COSTI COST T THE HE undersigned undersigner under signed leg beg leave to in JL lorm form the public that they will be of fifty aty on one e wa wagon on loads of goods gooda on an or about th the ans comprising an aa extensive aa assortment elt t of dry goods boots 4 S shoes groceries hats 4 caps clothing ac fc aich to ether with their wei well 1 selected stock conw MI add hand fhe ahey will sell bel at their store etore in this city by or oc package gc elt COST sad TWENTY CENTS freig ht th the of 0 country dealer and nd tb those deal 1110 ph purchasing Ig their is called to th in da ants thus held out as we are deter mcd ined to seli bell on the terms P above 1 tt millett MILLER russella CO R CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IN DRY LIQUORS ND GROCERIES RIES ALSO outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING GOODS GENE GENERALLY ddlly AT G V S L city camp floyd fort bridger fairfield beld and Jair Miller illers sTille ile the attention of the public is invited to their stock on hand ard to arrive iff hol hoi for america I 1 I 1 WEEKLY PASSENGER LINE I 1 fare reduced IMPROVED COACHES POACHES leave salt lale lake city for the states stales every friday sa josephi Jo mo me and leavenworth kansas passengers taken alien at the reduced price of meals meal at the different a at reasonable no responsibility for baR balvage vage por for P passage ge apply I 1 to miller R russell sell 0 co o sa salt L late c cly tim tl FEW good mules in in exchange for forwood goot to ah a H GEnni gettrich GET tRISH sir CATTLE 10 inck 0 YOKE of work cattle in JL J J good working co condition if or sale tr GIL BERT GERR ISIf cron cronyn ya S co purchased the well selected block of H U S redge co coi insisting wn or ol PRY GOODS GROCERIES HARDWARE ac beg leano joan to say tilley they hal leave now new 0 1 boned ed the goods good t georae crona Cron vw Vs old stand arid and thern thein at rafall rp fall it they hey aut aitio thy have ba pal at a low figure da the took par of S STAPLE T A P L E D DRY R Y G GOODS 0 OD s Groen ries Ilar dware oils Tar cohol ll window class ajay y a and n d maistre it u re fo forks bics shovels scythes c and knaths coign I 1 arap 1 ULL allt ul 1 aye C terms cash or cady pay produce cfall ot all ilnia ived II K it to the me Travel trai dug ng I 1 i Sr STAGE ACE LIVERY AND EXPRESS NOTICE T ahe efin D undersigner undersigned under a d ersi signed ned would respectful 1 ly nt 0 rm tha bahul slants of 01 this hl city and camp flod that he has now in su operation a o a i dally line of diabes ru running from s salt 0 laka city to camp floyd fladd dd and from C CV camp V flold to salt lake city leaving each point punctually at taa 8 a wp m at 2 p m ila he b baa now four our cha chances chaes es cf 0 bors 0 on the road ad also good and bd ca 1 ere era therefore ne be reels warrn warranted ted in saying tbt he 1 cn A carry ps through U in six lai b oura LIVERY NOTICE 11 will 11 be ready rady to receive hortes on liy may 10 th by I 1 the dayt day week or ni at 81 his bit new dew stable in salt late lake alivn alt on the rn most t reasonable enable tc derois coraee and Carria gpo to let stall itt all toun how night or day i ay ESPECIAL NOTI NOTICE CE will run an Fi Fx press in connection with ill his big stage tag line between carn camp fa hold and I 1 S salt I 1 L lake a city tio no letters istl will ill be reci 1 or carried ed by him b except the postage Posu gels Is prepaid pre paid on each letter 26 cents all pas angera gera bag baggage gago weighing ing over 40 pounds will be ba char charge geil tl at the rate of 6 5 cents per pound all pek weighing under 10 pud wilt be I 1 S ken ean t air 60 cents each act all over 10 pounds will be taken at the tato rate of 6 5 pir per pound the he afi und 1 ignec will ill not dot be ie tor for any tk T k package parcel er any other abee 1 of property aly whatever ahat ever r except r receipted fo or ly his agents agent at bah end or of the ber route te A liberal share of 0 public patronage 1 earnestly solicited oli cited on salt ak I 1 ake city next c t do doot to ta the pot post of 0 ee ce PARMENIO A JACK MAXi 1 if t bast team AND I 1 BEST GOODS ROGERS k ROSS ISH to call at attention fention to their large laree wa W Y assortment of merchandise for sale at the store house recently occupied by C H BASSETT the people of this city and the public generally are assured that OUR STOCK ol 01 woods CANNOT CAN NOT be surpassed in in this market either forQUE for LITY OR CHEAPNESS we have the rest best variety and of FINE FHE DRESS D it ac S 8 G GOODS 0 0 Ds ever 0 opened pene aln n this city SPLENDID DRESS SILKS CASHMERES ALPACAS I 1 LAWS LAWNS i i JACONETTI AND SWISS MUSLINS ll 11 CHALIS RIBBONS VELVETS ALL AIL SORTS DF cr TRIMMINGS SHAWLS CLOAKS MANTILLAS f PARASOLS and every 9 0 r f LADIES GOO GOODS S I 1 CLOTHS TWEEDS i CORDUROYS BOOTS ANH AND SHOES AND CAPS AND READYMADE READY MADE CLOTHING GROCERIES AND DYE STUFFS A full list of dont forget GOOD and cheap ROGERS KOSS bross 1 tf WEW INIC W STOKE OPENED otte one door notta of dixons ons tsee T 0 the citizens of utah call and see at the new grocery store etore one oiw door atwi above ins store if fl ian D aie every thing I 1 in the arcery ii una CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST we have now opened and wady for bale salem whole as tale 1 or r retail one a of 0 the llie heat beat f selected elected stock block of 0 STAPLE catri r brought to this mallet arket consisting WIt jg la 1 part 0 the following artiries sugar coalee tea rice dried apple soap boap can dl dies molasses mn ol lasses assess pepa pepper spice bluni eo copperas cop paya It petre madder indigo powder lead shot caps capa vinegar vanilla rope 1 ge catar d basela bauc c e of 0 very every kin kind brandy fruen I 1 flavor flaTor lag g extracts matches of 0 every klad nuta nut 0 ot all 11 mad klbus b borax beblo re I 1 cotton ett and hep hemp tp lp anil ad ok kinland kin king gand and chewing tob tobacco nut and 4 cloves pickles 9 ul of len on oni blacking and brushes bruil iea pre serves cr c of every k a ai many other oilier I 1 edious to meitlon ment lon W we will sell aril all 11 of the be aboa be article at sa as low I 1 fig u mita as any house home I 1 in a 2541 salt lake ci alir ay iy and every riet not one bagh and another the low we also bs ba have lot of anns anneal celebrated sugar anre 31 camf put up expressly for this market come with tb llie c ch h and see our goods good and dd tie kow you ill p purchase phase hase we also wish to purchase fur chase a few hundred goad I 1 tf HORD DICKSON WAGON JUST ARRIVED errit rd fRO MIHE ST STATES ates WK WE JUST RECEIVED ON 4 OP OF f dry goods rats hats 4 caps in boots f shoes i clothing goods i 11 arnes saddles 4 bridles rr idles which we wll exchange for FLOUR and ana GRAIN 1 in fad tact all if kind kandi of coll country 11 ae r Pro roi ducci oar hasteen has been care 0 iiii is ig well adopted adapted to till want of the po people P lof l of this it HOD we wa wonlu call the attention of Country man baliti and large deal di alera generally to the above as we will offer thern such te inducements lents a 9 vill ui dallee to make satisfactory Batista clory inns in N S ALSO 75 light WAGONS larko lams AM rl a STALL wei IC C A TT LE one title STALLION I 1 ON fornale al by br 1 K C A CO THOMAS S MS TORNEY AT LAW will wil I 1 practice ID arts of tha th territory a anil d esp el ily itie ithe in US district coneta Ce nirta A nd supreme court na will elta efficient attention 0 to at all profi prof easl onal 11 1 I briw OFFICE 0 on door noab of rt post office great 3 salt all lake city I att tf efty wholesaled WHOLES A ALEi LE A al MERCHANT E R C 11 A Sfa have opened m otheir their i NEW STORE KOo Sli ON STREET arii 4 large cal vc MERCia ff lo 10 Ami ID I 1 specially selected tedor this baket U artt DiT TL iberal Liberal discounts 1 I 1 ina country merchants ale In full 1111 T TE F DRUGS I 1 ja E 11 1111 C AA TL 11 PIC PIP ua jr R Cs 0 fi r nn ul ad sing 59 A LEX LL et ADV ten I 1 bull t boert CORNER or OF FOURTH fourthie FOUR THiM II 11 P in STREETS s ala ST LOUI iWo sons U T AKES pleasure in 3 T tion to his ake oil 01 FOREIGN AND la ai S T DRUGS I 1 PUKE IPURE REAGENT RE AGENT S 1 some ier and i P E lre 81 of which be bag a wry t ua a evari a its I 1 and of the bell and pur purest ea bual ity t ty ht h bad direct of 0 the tb rat 6 1 to ilo usually ily of atif tb SURGICAL INSTRUCT pro g with care and made iby tha au 1 I ma a and with alithe all the la 11 ll m antt toll of ue he would commend to the notice of th TOILETTE ARTICLES 0 ae every barmy and frez Is ts PERFUMER perfumeries ERIES ILS b NV f ELLGANT ELEGANT t tb EXTRACTS i and POMADES AND IV lie ha has this law en U ire I re of 0 atie abe choice t li BRANDIES WINES IVINES AND ga and a also prepared to BU 1111 mi all order fr or j ina ATI congress and other Ori ameral it IE oi bab b be is the sole tf SL JAUK jut ut his stock of cn ST an sat T Is large and nd has bre lieen p ajai r fe ference c to 0 o the T PIKES PEAK TRADE A 1 UHE TAE PLAINS PLAINS 1 tf I 1 an A C I 1 1 l tan booksellers AND blank book rook manufacturer ture af mam in street sired ul B ST LOUIS MO MOW tr TC constantly t on hand band att all thi li il books bonhs ann m gw r raph abl I 1 lef philosophies reading b books ilita 11 it ile ac now in ua which tha tiffie tl a I 1 bif frices tbell tock ii 1 1 FOREIGN AD IC stationery BLANK BOOKS PRINTING AND WRITING G PAPER ijas has been selected select cil wilt the gneo test and eq ebor or I 1 to any 1 in tb tha west wat w at jr an i EXTENSIVE attached to thel their establishment they are aph to manufacture all I 1 kind ot 1 BI blank 11 boots li and at th tha shortest cli criest tic 14 V in ALLEN AILEN OLIVERE OLIVE B FILUT M I 1 second sf carr ats st GERARD 13 AL ALIEN af N M cai 4 manufacture TU high and lo 10 T J T 1 M 8 sun 81 1 BoHr allt work saw and grist mill tb baco bl lard screw and braai sad d iron C stig ol of tn 1 description cimzar saw mills ot dt tin aage W s lt I 1 childs patents I 1 STRA STRAYED VED 1 Fil FROM the herd at the ilot hot spring brewry rewery two BLACK branded 88 03 on near ear boulder and B R it 11 on near high SUP scy ed 11 to have gone bobe towards ke city 20 M 0 will be paid for their delivery to lo the the N bowery w ry 40 0 tt tf ROBT REWORD NOTICE t WE having taken the house form 1 t erly fly by alb gilbert geeb t k wi c criep p floyd floya it will 1 in f abare t t b well s 11 ll ai a food of roussy and one olP will ut is tie he efto li 11 the time tic oa 0 frieu B W pia call and twi see us 39 u GIL I 1 1 NOTICE VE tt IE heretofore liar ex ei e i JL sting letwen tle dl d at t caba FLOTD FLOTD 1 b hy dit soled by t I A e bros C co a at cribb floal od aw am th to tl ies cal R 11 itt if acl W E would respectfully announce V d I 1 V to the ott of salt yke city 1 I ley that at we are r and ed 1 I door north gilbert erlb Gr lb n cap P joyd our large stock of 11 be has ve bien bi en with great care are market and which we are d kolell tl 01 as any lionso 1 la tact lh tb ct c IT we would say bay to ladles ladies the that w v have paek or of D dress G goodri 6 ital to aln lr 18 nii aih uld be pleased to tave jhc thc examine i rn nten BRO 1 10 HO 0 COO COOK K STOVES for sate ale I 1 LW by V bat BRO y nn 1 L LBS 11 S SHEET S I 1 RO 19 fp r 50 wu 0 0 sale by itera V i 1 40 tf it have ok W of CATT CATTLE LF W WE ad to tor coan 7 to sell or cx changa a co ia i DYFF A ATTORNEY AND COUNSE J 0 uj i J aa T alg ly oat onic Council 11 muss 1 sti st or 1 ii l watt W for tore |