Show what a jadv thinks of hairy fairy faces V aces A disgusted female at xenia ohio is is making a terrific crusade against hairy faced men hear the lady what expression of kindness and in arnild ild humanity can be observed in in a face ace cover covered edwith with hair from the nose lown down not any As well mi might lit a poor rat look in in the grizzly muzzle ailuzzi e ofa of a scotch terrier for mercy when about to be taught caught in in his crushing jaws as to look tor for an expression of human kindness and sympathy in in the I 1 face of a hirsute man who can appreciate the value of as a smile niile it lightens lih tens up the courten ance with adorning sweetness indicates a kind heart and radiates glad I 1 ness to the hearts of others encourages the desponding soothes the afflicted cheers the sorrowing disarms wrath and kindles up genial s sympathy apathy and reciprocal regard but a smile can not crop out from th the e face of a man bearded and mustached like the pard 11 yon suppose from the agitation of tall grass that some animal was crawling through it so you ma may infer from the whisking of hairs hair that a smile was burrowing D along g there here somewhere out of si sight ht the smile of such a man can not be distinguished from the grin of a ribbed nosed baboon which bad burnt its mouth with a hot chestnut the lips are capable of indi indicating cadi a variety of passions and motion they can express kindness good humor sweetness of disposition sorrow firmness and decision of charach ter or they may manifest scorn contempt disdain loathing anger anger and th threaten te teaten at en like loaded revolvers revolver S the chief expression of the best traits in in Napo napoleons leorN nature were in in his mouth and chin which he could clothe with so much sweet winning winning mute persuasive loquence eloquence as to render his look irresistible irresistible but when lip and chin are covered with hair you might as well look for expression in the hole 0 of f a bank swallow in in the side of a gully overhung oyer over hung buDo with a tuft of grass the p passions asi io i ns and affections have their poles in in tha face firmness in the upper lip mirthfulness near the outer buter corners of the mouth and the affections ip jp the edges of the lips ac hence the philosophy and delight of kilifi g ahe in more 0 re intense the passion the he more soul thrilling and enrapturing th the kiss behold that lovely woman with a form shaped by the hand of harmony regular features feature amer clustering ringlets nn gleis bright eyes eye beaming with arjang ed pearly teeth a i soft and delicate pvn a mouth lik like e cupids cupida bow a neck like ivory a breast like alabaster and the swelling undulations of love like snow her lips like two ra rosebuds rose se buds moist with morning dew and her cheeks i i when the live crimson through the nati native white ewhite shooting oer the face diffuses bloom anil and every nameless grace A P radiant in in the beauty she is is surrounded e d by an atmosphere of love loi e as a rose exhales fragrance just think of one of these hairy face fellows attempting to kiss her see him pulling up his chevaux de frese ef bristles tle 3 to reveal his wild beast looking cavernous slit of a mouth month bah its abominable the idea is is disgusting disgust mg nauseous get out scat give us an ounce of civet good apothecary to sweeten my imagination |