Show first love lot e A correspondent of the century in giving some reminiscences reminiscences of the old country seat called the cottage in in hanover county virginia relates re ates the following account of gen ing tons proposal for fair the hand of mary cary and his rejection by her father her fath father er was wilson cary esq of celers Ce leys 1 in the county of elizabeth city descended from the noble family of gundson Hund son in in england his relative colonel archibald cary of Amp thith in in chesterfield was at his death the heir apparent to the earldom the worthy old gentleman seems from all we know of him to have been as proud as th the or the Somer sets and to have thought his family the noblest in in the land he lived in in great state with chariot and horses plate and velvet and embroidery i a worthy of the school fully satisfied with the order of things and enjoying serenely the good gifts of providence providen ce his beautiful rul tul da daughter ugh te was atis a and had many suitors the one here alluded to was a young man of very high character a relative of george william fairfax esq who lived in ed in in belvoir on the potomac and here he met with miss cary who came a me to visit mrs fairfax her eldest sister ile he at once proceeded proceed ed to fall in in love which he did with an ardor characteristic of his nature when miss cary went back home to celers Ce leys on james rive rhe followed her like a courageous gallant and laid open to the fair fortress in the good old times however horev er something more was w as necessary than the consent coment of the young lady and so the youth duly asked a private interview with the old lord of the manor who listened to him throughout when the lover had finished finish jed mr cary rose madea made a low bow and said that if this was young mr errand at 1 celers Ce leys 1 1 his visit had batu his daughter had been accustomed cus tomed to ride in in her own chariot and with this allusion luion al to the poor condition of the younger son the interview terminated young washington g bowed and turned away and in due time married the young widow martha dandridge custis who r resembled miss cary says sa s an a authority u as much as one sister ever did another the old tradition does not end here many years fled away mary cary was mrs mr ambler and her dis carded suitor was the man who had just the sword of Corn wal lis at yorktown whom the whole chiv civilized world nailed as the greatest among amon the great the foremost fore in ost man man 1 not on only ly in in america but of all the wo world ald H he e passe passed d through the old metropolis Williams burgat the head of his victorious troops and the people we were re almot almost crazy with w ith joy y and adoration the vast multitude n nearly early earn prevented his horse from proceeding iam the calm statue on horseback passed eissed on serene serenely I 1 all at once he be perceived ived at a window window or in in the crowd his old love mary af fary cary he raised his sword and saluted her profoundly she fainted 11 but it it does not seem that the lovely woman was to blame she had not been able to return the affection faction af of the youth that was all sh ohp married him who won her heart edward ednard ambler he was not unworthy of this noble lady in in rank or character he was descended through his mother from tom the huguenot hou house e of la roche jaqueline Jaquel me in in vendee and inherited the honest instincts of his race at twelve years of age he had been sent for or his education to england he graduated at cambridge and then made the grand tour of europe returning to virginia when he was twenty one he was w as married to mis cary soon boon afterward became collector of york and was so much respected that when lord Botte came to virginia as governor he brought a letter of introduction to the collector ile he died at thirty hie five and the revolutionary lutio nary war breaking out soon afterward his beautiful away ay from erom the scene of her grief and took refuge in in the cottage Cott aget far up in in hanover 1 |