Show 1 I e border sur at ad 8 e ate and bloody levs avs I 1 li iKi depredations on mi the plains perd massacre gas som sacre of one orail ma tl party and ions for the safely of k ljay t 1 of a most painful char ba axt tf iaB has just reached us which has ra 11 bonn 11 our community coin into into more than 1 N t fl B ial excitement messengers reach the confirming arming gp rumors of an ii attack by the in tab SKi as is apon a santa fe ee mail lala train and an of 0 t 11 murder of at least two persons ac to aitse it lanying it mr patterson from 11 wh blaut treel creek a reliable gentle re an brought us as the first intelligence ad tle cole of this county who I 1 train when attacked ar hi d a few hours later with fuller dej dea from these gentlemen vi we e gath be following facts m vi some saie weeks ago the desperate com t in inae che chief buffalo hump with some it at i r ol 01 fais braves tl aves appeared among the ki nis and was observed to be in in fre ment consultations with them the jag was onas have been dissatisfied and i toward the whites during ja that lt jl the and it was supposed bat at the mission of buffalo hump was aft 1 i stir 6 tir up their anger to violence ten Q r 10 overt act of hostility occurred how bruntil tr r until the alt when a squab 0 I 1 ie elook e took place at Rick mans ranch at tween some and whites 1 sl bout a i horse swap avs ap resul resulting tim in in a skir si and the death dath of an indian thir lie ite other indians went off sn swearing earing at vengeance Tenge ance and soon collected a war f 7 three days after on j the he of e september it a mail train going out the ie one which left here oti on monday the of september Sept embur was surround jed ed by a band of kiowa warriors asit the crossing of pawnee fork I 1 de anle some 25 miles beyond cow creek M md a about abou t miles from westport G the be indians demanded toll and the I 1 0 conductor ton ductor dealt out to the them m sugar bai b coffee I 1 and a portion of such other arp ides ales as he be had bad but without satisfying them acm they took all that was given sst set them amand and then raising a whoop they tred red into the stage perfectly riddling it nith bullets arid and arrows instantly i d killing the two tw 0 smiths driver and conla conductor ductor dictor and w wounding bounding the only other i occue occupant nt mr cole the smiths t rt vere bere rere killed before they had bad a chance p to fire but cole leaped from the stage to nf bez aea wounded fired his bis pistol saw ley iia lall fall and the others gathe 1 l around him and in m the confusion tha bit ensued escaped some distance and lid h ss the tha indians indiana finding they their compa cuon dead mounted leir horsma and proceeded in seare ro ademy one of the saI dacien passed d within a few feeter ff where nene cole I 1 e lay hut but felled failed to dist dis 1 cover him ile he saw them return to 11 ll escen e of conflict abuse the bodies ii lii offis of his fallen friends strip them of r a ir clothing and rip open and seat scat it 0 ter the contents of the newspaper neus paper mail 12 j fortunately they inis missed sed the pp ap letl letter mail bag which was after afterward ard recovered ered and taken to eickmann Eick Rick mans anch aach I 1 when the mail train arrived at t ackmann Ack mana ranch and the conductor heard the of the killing of the indian some ome days before and the exasperated feelings of the tribe he engaged an escort which accompanied the mail some twenty odd miles and then returned supposing they had passed be beyond tic d danger but it seems that the mans indians had kept along ia in sight and waited for a chance of attack for the wort bad hadnot not departed more than an hour and a half when the mail coach was surrounded and the men ei ed cole lay all night concealed in in the and next morning wandered about until he came up to a camp of pikes beakers Pe akers from whom he received an escort to a trading post and from thence proceeded hoi homeward neward ha passed through here some hours since mee on his way to his bis family in in independence II 11 the santa fe e matrale matr mail train aln that ba was as I 1 j wie here on tuesday last has not yet arrived and no intelligence of its whereabouts it is is believed by mr cole le and others that it has shared the fate we of the outgoing out going train it is is leared feared that the indians knowing it w to be about due pr proceeded pryce eded on op to in intercept ie and attack it this ampre aison car carries es poignant ignant grief to vi of citira So many our citizens e a as it it is is known that hat several passengers were to have come out t with the t tram r a in from letters re eved here it it i is s tho thought that judge aits with his son and nd sons wife ife lad 1 l mr crenshaw of independence ere passengers with this train it inay y be that they were armed and in in the neighborhood of some government t S ho are ar reported to be on the i in transit from fort union to fort riley which may be their protection te tec tion at least we will hope for the best until we hear the worst |