Show THE BRITISH NATIONAL DEBT A recent paper published by order yf the house of commons gives some in interesting te 9 particulars respecting the national debt of great britain it covers the whole period of this institution for such it seems to be from 1693 to 10 the present tune time the two extremes present these figures in 1694 the year after the debt originated nna the funded debt was and in in the funded debt of great britain and ireland amounted to the interest on the former was and on the latter the debt at the former period was about fire file and a half millions sterling and is is at present somewhat over eighteen and a quarter millions in round numbers therefore the present national debt of great britain is is oi or paying over interest C great reat as this debt is is it has been larger at at t Q e close of the napoleonic was in iza sched 1815 it rea reached the almost hen ale sible sum of the history of the british national debt is is subs substantially anti ally the history of British w ars the times 1 imes in in speaking of the accumulation of the debt truly say sa t there is is war and it im immediately stirs there is is p peace bace and it stops stop S there is is war and it I 1 t goes on again thus the first firs war with france a after ate the beginning of the debt added twenty n thousand pounds ids and lh the e war a with i spain at the beginning of the last ast century put on twenty thousand pounds more the american war found he be debt at and left it at so much money thrown aa away all these additions were trifles compared with that which accrued from the wars with france at the close of the last and the begin beginning nin of the present centuries and NN which aich nearly quadrupled the last mentioned figures but say the british writers if the country surmounted and reduced the enormous debt of 1815 when manufactures and commerce wi were are in in their infancy the present aspect of the matter matted of course affords no ground 0 of f apprehension but rather of confidence and encouragement |