Show i N new yott YOM tl elmear the passage of the persia I 1 ap tl cid crata IV y e are indebted to lo mr wm E R obin sod of this cit city a passenger i ir the persia for the following interest interest irio ing narrative of the voyage j liverpool Liv liverpool erool at afuli aboul 1 M od on saturday Septem september bei 3 with ith passengers passengers and a very fuli full j and valuable cargo the weather at the start was as fair and a ad none of those 0 on n board had any beason reason to anticipate he scenes of peril through which the pliant gallant ship llad had afterwards to shrug S sonie of the th e passengers myself among jh sa e number bad noticed abord from as s we came i tug L la bad a brought us alongside that the was very bea villy la r Oen en drawing some twenty four feet this chii circumstance excited comment among among 7 the pa pas bangers gan gers many of whom expressed the conviction that the ship was wa s too deep subsequent events hoi however ever proved that this his was probably our salvation cheavy V y cargo servi serving ncr to prevent ae pitching g of the pers persia during ahe tune she was s compelled to lie to on the ibe way down theA lersey ife we passed paired ae arabia coming jn in and at id wilted saluted ke aier lk the weather continued fine aring I 1 the whole of saturday the next hext day i sunday there was no ma change at lic persia bersia taki tak aing ng the sout southern fiern amanoel Aha bai noel inel skilled skirled skir led the coast coaston coa lof ireland bof and kerry look ida leivy b aliz distance the day and Q iu cou aued fair the stearn steamer r nial eng a moderate mate ri ite of speed I 1 not e jual ual to hir her usual aph rin aliday sept 6 opened wr fair ao so cont continued aued until boute bout 5 1 1 p m X when the aea a roughen ed ca and head winds ads come came soon increasing creasing toa calel gale stilled still no hd jilann llan n t about 10 P r ax w the perila ersia i suddenly lur chedi and rolled wavily 10 ono one side by tb this js time lelany of ithe passengers g ha d aued fied that ahe boyage although law ia iulg prosecuted ae suddenness bf the steam steamer er pitchy pitch however ao wever coated t cna fo abed I 1 ted ari beof of the pa passengers were thrown ait r bert V two ladies suffered contuse ol 01 and there was de rable on board to calrel the he officers cers of ofa the ap a ro ed that ya a little pin intha in abe amery ahi hm ery alti d gota Acate dand jlia leel en b but it that tb abe da damage ge 0 1 w would 0 uld be rep repaired rodi m a few iw minutes it 11 was soonee soon acena stained ined however ho weier t that at ohp disaster aw was a of a character too 60 senous to admit of hasty repair tie broken pin was wa found to be tm the port crank pin of the engine enaire the loss of which hid had entirely disabled the port paddle wheel and tendered the nia ma chinery nearly useless upon i acar acer ta illino I 1 the fact the passengers experienced perien ced a variety of unpleasant seh aifons the gale bale still blew dead ahead the sea was ivas I 1 ro rough agh maicy many ot 01 the company on board were ill and aad the machinery had not only beckno useless wt but the head beadi ands prevented the use ase of the sails to steady the vels vessel in this emergency captain judkins exerted bis his rn masterly steirly powers of seamanship in in a manner which won him I 1 the lie regards of till all on board rin din ill that a t it was uyeless to attempt to make headst head ivay ay against the byorni w with i th tl trie t a disabled machi machinery nery he immediately set to work to td repair the dardares i this proved to be a form formidable under taking 11 the broken charik pm weighing in fifteen fil teenor or twenty hundred beighl and having a did diameter Meter of fourte foursee four tee e inches bad been fractured near ar tl jhb joint joani of junction 1 bonwith the crank anu and altho although uhan an extra pw pie provi provided dod if acir such ca contingencies remained adall available ic it was a matter of no s small 11 d afia cully to demise a method of M extrac extracting ing the fractured stump cap kins saw that bat the only chance au aig uig tho persia lay ia in acta actori aria and he 1 is 1 s not the man to flinch after several attempts the steamer w ws biou brought lit id 0 obe obey Y he her r r redder a d q e r all and d h her head being kept well to the wind ill ehfe forged along making however b bul very iettie headway thus thiis a the of L alond monday the die engineers I 1 keeping arbu 1 busily at antwork work at the cranky pinac pm on TF tuesday esda nio morning riling after afier 1 consultation j neith wi th 14 tl pass passengers engerg cal jeakins finally dai de ter mined to put back into port i th tha verdict was unanimous to all the e that thai any attempt to proceed ed farthi would not nit only be futile but danger i ous in view view of the continuance of tha storm the heavy cargo of the shipp a aa 4 calill sa chinery at at 4 r M on n tuesday therefore bavin having bee been n out throe three days the persia was put about heading beading for cork where it was intended to repair I 1 damages and replenish the supply of coal and whence it was proposed to sail on the following saturday but the adventures aurim during this remar remarkable liable voyage age were not destined to end here on wednesday sept 17 7 at 9 a in while running for cork at a speed of bf only six miles an hour dour the persia was as spoken by the ship sen ben nevis bound fro from in quebec to liverpool which chich in m her anxiety to approach within hailing bailing I 1 distance har narrowly escaped a af alisio collision q with the steamer the persia hove boand to and aboa a boat from the ben N nevis evis came inboard aboard although the sei sea i anas AN as extremely broughto rough to b beg T that ih steamers physician mj lit be sent seni 6 to t he j relief of jhc thc thoben bon nevis who was AMS belies lieveld ed to be in a dying condition capt judkins aniz animated Paled b by he h e generous n impulse of the bearrian pe seaman arrian to a brother in distress Lisi reps instantly tac acceded ceded to the request and sent with the doctor a liberal supply of colfo comforts r ts for the sick man wo we afterwards learned tha the ille attentions which thus freely offered produced the happiest effect and there is no reason to bp b lieve liev that the captain of f laeben nevis vi was enabled ito land in safety at liverpool but during the I 1 passage of maritime courtesy I 1 a new idea seemed joyave to have seized he mind of capt judkins th erd ifie gen taylor he had an ansur insurmountable moun table repugnance pug nance aae to retrace retracing b his steps or whether th the feasibility uty p af pf f f td his re repairs lars on on private tate account thad sud denar 0 occurred cc ared to lam I 1 will hot vw ture to decide one ond fact is certain the capitain decided to j p ina 1 ii jia aim proving t the he opportunity afforded by temporary stop the captain called all 1111 heinds add and made another repair the eingle thle the adjustment t of the c crank ank proved firoved ic to be a 11 berkof ork of much difficulty the waves dahll dashing agai against fist tile the wheels kept them in co continual n i motion notion andic bec became md ne cessa s a to deviso devise fl a plan for this brou trou ble tho the method adopted was angly 8 simple I 1 I 1 HO holes acs OF of var band loiis us sizes wera cut tig in the 6 aside sides of odthe paddle boxes through wh which ich y i bof cables and chains were vere passed and securely faten fastened io to the wheels the th been y ov overcome in this thia manners manner attention was gh en to the cran crank pm T the ingenuity mr J john caldwell Cald vell lff th the chief 11 af engin ar suggested a pr arc table method of d driving ri alog out the 0 pin an iron iron bolt tv 0 upon a wheel b 1 a fixed filed to a support in in the e ceiling caling of the elg engine ine room was w as brou brought ht repeatedly with ireat great force di erectly I 1 against the head of the bro broken R pin PJ 11 some fifty men worked a line chic ft luch control edthe action aanon of this improvised battering ram so sanguine of success iri m this attempt mere the officers of the ship that the v work ork was w as continued thi 0 out ou the night but it proved unavailing tho pin still adhered boits to its sock socket 0 t and the anxious anxious p pa engers began to despair some retired i e to their state rooms some walked the deck debo descended ended to the engine room to watch the progress of or the 1 ahe he battering ram anva ft as fina finally 14 ar relinquished u 1 and an ellort efrost in in anerdi anew a new di direction action it was thong thought the expansion expanse on of die crank by the application P of heat might overcome v tha thi difficulty and this course was nevi next tried A bedaf bed of iron iron plates was placed immediately below llie ilia broken rab p finland afif and a brisk fire kindled upon it ft the crank crack eing being b so adjusted as to bring the fire directly upon if this roasting roasting groces was for foe a considerable time time and then hen mr aldwell Cal dl dwells dwell s battering ram was aas again applied A few sturdy st strokes rolles wro w w re given the loosened pin yielded d little ble by little and finally finall dropped A c cheer er went up to testify that one difficulty fi at least had bad been ov overcome eronie durin during nil this w cary period of sus 3 pensa the the continued n to rage he gale did not abc decrease reso azid and ahe steam 1 er rolled heavily I 1 The next at process process was the elevation of the crank to th the f poi position tion i for reci receiving iino alie diew pin then a an 0 othea obstacle ta re A cra transverse slat intended to receive a s small a 1 er pina t to 1 0 be keyed on wis found to bea 61 otilo out of line lh Q was ivas a displaced is dd aud it a vigorous filing filin cpr npr process oc es was aa s V OP in anc ed which continued contin urd fo t 1 IT W last ilde pill was tit lit l ted led the transverse ergo key vas as put aiato iato into place lh the capal caps were adu adjusted ted the con hepting lod iod adjusted thu paddle pt iddle wheels released from their lashings the th steam was gently let on and the machinery again again began to work smoothly but alow ley and amid the I 1 loud cheers of all on board the persian Per sias I 1 j head was aaen again turned towards new york and capt apt judkins and engin eer caldwell calovi ell were exalted to a fabulous height of esteem and confidence that repairs of such a nature were so satisfactorily accomplished at i sea during ra in a heavy heady storm and on oil board a deeply laden vessel proves not only that the persia is is i a staunch ind and seaworthy ea 1 craft but that those who have been iiii invested ested with her charge are equal to an any probable emergency emergence it ita is is needless needles sto to say that every pa casenger on n P board 0 ard the persia uni united in tha expressions pres of admiration which this his extraordinary tra has called forth the remainder odthe of the voyage oage was accomplished without the occurrence occur ence of any other marked event the rough weather continued for some ds fier after the voyage had been resumed the machinery was worked I 1 with extreme x care and 0 o guard against a the occurrence of another accident a stream of water vater was constantly kept running upon the crank biank pin to prevent vent it from becoming overheated with this precaution ution in in spite of storm and fog tte pe persia sighted cape race in in safety after a run of several days during which she made a comparative ly low lov rates of speed feeling t her wa way y with extreme caution OH off cape race we saw a steamer lying to but in in consequence ortho of tho viol violent abst afst storm 0 rm were unable to go to her er ais assistance jauco this vessel was pro hrobat pr a y the kangaroo I 1 which subsequently put into halifax if ix for a su supply of coal tho persia sid encounter ell a succession of 4 and head bead winds dur during tho toy oy ago age arul and no more cheering 1 sight 11 could have been afforded her weary passengers the fiorit faint glim glimmer it moni mon light bight which was sighted on sunday evening tiro the clouds begert begirt to disappear the iii night ht was fing fine and as s we pas passed eda 1 i 11 at brisk ca cannonade and a brilliant I 1 display of rockets te harilal lar ilal of the persian Persia 1 lilaa li laa z e d a wa y with his guns with remarkable verse perse v erasco to rou rouse sethe he board ing edg officers I 1 in seas seasons to reach his wharf before a change of tide the steamer came tip tinder finder full all steam fai and entered her dock in in splendid sty oat at about 21 2 bl b clock anthe on morning of monday 1 were mete were not sorry that we had reached re our wine |