Show you yontl ts and age i I 1 often think till rik each tottering form that limpi along in lifes deline once bori a heart a as young as war warm gas AS full of idle thoughts as minel mine and each has had bal its dream of joy his t own unequalled unequal led pure romance comin commencing encina when the blushing boy girat at lovely womans comans glance could tell bis hi aale stale of youth would thi think its scenes of love evince more hare passions more unearthly truth than any tale before or since bince rest reel they could tell of tender lays A at midnight penned in in cla classic iq badee of days more bright than modern days day vand irand maids inore more fair thin than modern modern mm maids di Ons pers in in a willing ear earl of kisses on a blush blushing big cheek each kiss each whisper far too dear our modern lips to speak of passions too of passions blighted alighted ot or betta betrayed ved pt of kindred spirits tarl early lost I 1 i and buds that blossom but to fade eye and tresses 9 gay ay plastic elastic for bornt m and noble lire brow and forms that h have ave all passed away A and left alem hem what we see bee them now and aid is is it thus is human love so very light and frail a thing and must youths brightest vision move forever on times restless wing win P I 1 I 1 must all jhb ey eyes is that still a are aie b bright and all the lips that talk of alf bliss and all the f forma so fair to sight hereafter oaly come to this pen then what are earths bat b at visions worth it w we eat at 1 length e n ath must lose the them M thus r it if ml we value most on earth ere long must fade away from us |