Show THE ENGLISH VERSION OF THE BIBLE henry ward beecher thus gives in leg last t weeks independent his opinion of the english version of the bible As to the english version of the bible we ven venerate erale it a as much a as we do any uninspired in aired monument of human wisdom and labor it stands in our literature as do many of the venerable cathedrals of england ED in architectures architecture which have through successive periods gathers gathered upon themselves every religious style known to the island so that they are not merely monumental churches but histories as well and memorials of sacred architecture and yet in I 1 n all their beauty and grandeur they are not put beyond criticism nor invested in any such superstitious superstitions sanctity as shall make the expression of an honest opinion a sin and so BO it is with the english version of gods word we revere it as the most precious gift of god to our literature anti anil yet as a translation noble as a whole it has in detail its many faults which the whole world do know and to speak of them is not to set oneself up either either as an instructor instruct or of david or a censor of the translators but simply to exercise the rights which belong to every honest man whose business calls him to express an opinion upon such things |