Show generous john bull and the unreasonable when the news recently arrived in england that our minister to china and the commander of ono one of our ships of war not only committed the imprudent step of giving aid and comfort to the british when nhen they had declared their hostile intentions against the chinese who were our friends but were guilty of the outrageous course of taking an active part in in the ill starred assault of the british squadron against against the chinese forts not only those foolish americans were the finest ast fellows in the world but all americans icons were lauded to the skies were the english children of the same mothers as the americans they could not have received more sympathy and kindness than they met with from the americans I 1 blood is thicker than water said commander tatnall Tat riall and in a hundred different ways he and all his people acted up to this homely proverb the american crew forgot themselves and thought only of the british A few days after the fight the chinese junk brought provisions to the powhaten these were mediately immediately im i sent to the british wounded the bond of american brotherhood was indeed deeply cemented in the trial of the british at the pei ho 1 such are the testimonies borne by eye witnesses whose letters appeared in in the english papers and in commenting ng on them the london tines times observes whatever may be the result ie of the light fight england will never forget the day when the deeds and words of kindly americans sustained an and d comforted her stricken warriors on the he t waters of the in fact it was generally agreed that the entente cordiale between the two nations would endure as long as the sun and moon but alas how soon is all this reversed in a day or two after the news arrived of general harneys hanneys Har occupation of san juan the island in the vicinity of vancouver which john bull covets and claims as his own but which clearly belongs to the united states the tune of the british press is suddenly cha changed ng ed the news from china is ignored ig nored and ecstatic editorials on the r subject are forgotten no term to be found in jansons Jon sons dictionary is ii hard enough to be applied to general harney and the american people generally pirates aad nans flans of the american army army ar are the mild epithets used and we are actually threatened with an immediate british war if the act of general harney is is not speedily disavowed by our government 1 government overn ment and the island evacuated perhaps it would be better for john bull B ull to finish off the chinese war before he gets an american war on od his hands we are not at all alarmed at the menaces of the english press it may bluster and fume but the last thing the british government will dream of is to enter upon a ad american war the finale of the second one the battle of new orleans is about as vivid in their remembrance as the battle of taku in which john chinaman so profited by the example of andrew jackson the mississippi and the are rivers of ill omen to british prestige and british pride the eng english glish braves found fatal elbows in both and it if they try again they may find more but bat before they can get the sympathies of american youth they must learn to conduct themselves better respectable and civilized nations are as much disgusted with the of john bull who arys to bully and plunder every people on the lace face of the earth as are our merchants and men of mark and intellect with the performances of the shoulder hit of tammany hall at our political conventions if in addition to assisting assi stin cousin n bull in his first unfortunate battle batttle with the chinese we were to surrender to him san juan and give him free scope in n central america and yield up to him uro everything else on which he might set Es his heart besides letting him fire for or his amusement into our ships on the he coast of africa or elsewhere as it t appears by b gone telegraphic despatch the i pluto plato has done in in the bark hazard arrived at boston he would then pat dt us anthe on the back and say we were the he finest nation on earth next to himself but bat seeing that we hesitate to do all this generous bull not only considers us very unreasonable bu a nation of pirates pirate 31 who must be taught a lesson the british press calculates largely on the forbearance of this country co antry when it knows that without striking a blow orr or fi firing n a but simply by refusing to sell e england our cotton wo we could ruin her staple manufactures in six months and create a national beggary and bankruptcy a and 11 d a revolution which won would id sweep her aristocracy OR off the face of the earth we have bothin no nothing thin to fear by a collision on the contrary it would be easy to show that contrary it aou would 0 do us good john bull has everything to loose and nothing to gain by war or threats dfwar of war a against ga I 1 ast the american people JV Y herald |