Show HOW TO PASS A counterfeit NOTE 1 I say tom here heres S a pretty good counterfeit three if you will pass aass it I 1 will divide lets seethe see the plaster said boroi and after examining it calef carefully ully put it into his bis vest pocket remar remarking king its an equal divis division ion a dollar and ahall apiece I Vs yes said ben all right said tom and off he went A few moments afterward he be quietly stepped into the store of Ms his friend ben purchased a can of oysters for one dollar and a half laying la ing down the three dollar note for Y them the clerk looked at the note rather doubtingly when his suspicions were immediately calmed by tom who said theres no u use so lookin looking for he had received that note from ben bee himself not ten minutes since of course the clerk with the assurance su rance immediately forked over the dollar and a half in change and with this deposit and the can of tom left shortly 6 he met ben who 13 caked ked him if he had passed the no note tel 0 yes said tom heres your share shade a the same time passing parsing over the dollar and a half to ben that evening when ben made up his cash account he was surprised to find the same old counterfeit three dollar note in in the drawer turning locum tenens genens he ask asked ed where did you yott getchis cursed note you know it was as a counterfeit ter feit why said the clerk tom gave it I 1 tome 0 me and I 1 suspected it was nas fishy but he said he had just received it from you and I 1 took it the whole thing hod penetrated the wool of ben with a peculiar grin he muttered sold and charged the can of oysters to profit and loss account |