Show ret et of the fu supreme preme court providence R I 1 con coil petitions for release i J the court a appears p pears de up with the aur ur remo removed ved the yoke af t twelve discontented 11 I 1 nathaniel IL claiborne of virginia who died a few weeks ago belonged to a family that has furnished many members of congress viz 1 col thomas clai borne of brunswick va over twenty years a member gwm 2 wm bc C C claiborne brother of deceased dece sd first a representative from tenn then governor of mississippi sip sis sippi governor general of the province of louisana Louisa Loui aana nap governor of 0 f the territory of orleans governor of the state of louisana Loui Loul aana sana and first united states senator from that state 3 dr john claiborne Claib orp successor to his father col thomas claiborne 4 thomas claiborne claiborn of nashville tenn 11 claiborne of virginia 6 john FH claiborne of mississippi sis sippi of the same family on the maternal side may be noted benjamin wet wat kiep leigh the great lawyer and senator benator of virginia williep mangum tor forso so many years a distinguished senator from north carolinian Carolin Car olinia la clement C clay sr or governor gover nor of alabama Ala bamat ano anet senator from that state now represented in the senate by his gifted and eloquent gon son Clement C P clay y jr william leigh a distinguished distinguish ec jurist of halifax county va and numerous other eminent men we learn from the courtier courrier des betais unit unis that one ot of the actresses of the new french troupe is ia here because she relied with the stage manager of the theatre where she was playing in paris and gave him a smashing slap in the face ace while on the stage stage managers please take notice some days si since n ce mrs mary eli bridger an indian lady died aler at her r residence e 1 ence n near ear little santa fe in the county her husband is out on government business in some of t the he territories and it is not known where a letter will reach him hence it i is s desired that the sad occurrence be i mentioned in your paper which reaches all parts 0 of the western mrs bridger was the wife country of JAMES ER dorril formerly e aly of bridgets bridgers fort utah territory t il a that the louisville journal SAYS gays mormons cormons are all in favor of mr D forthe tor the presidency they are emphatically ant 00 squatter sovereignty men they outsider outs idee powers or i ing with their polygamy or any 0 f their oth institutions our readers must excuse the fr lacar i matter in our t preap 1 sue jav engagements have prevented prevent 01 voting much attention to wt the past week go IV we c have been permitted by Tl S nob son bon esq t to make the follow follows oi V intel from a letter from 11 david 1 er r written from cottonwood it 1 t n miles west of th the e big blue bi creek of I 1 vh alil 11 e alt iti LO 24 her we pass pikes peak emous M ril ly and every one aspea speak ks baki grant B 18 L 1 1 as l I 1 nines 31 air lan rr a ao 10 atti te sa Y of aj I 1 01 1 bl I choti ho prairies in the vicinity Is 9 fethi t ll 11 cipu his letter was written were on n L on i v that it was difficult to find fire q V goal tb that atthe the settlements had g gra 98 a lv sod dl Y p plied li le d along the line of the roa si 1 Y builla I 1 ja i N wl ed past year I 1 the numerous nerous nu friends here 1 t 0 s of otar j I 1 arid and the other gentlee pent lemen a 11 I 1 t rt t 90 him will he be glad to 1 lam am in 11 ahat n 11 T has been a prosperous prosper one a d ochi wag so o near being corn that it plated wrote 0 tv 0 o was V aella I 1 i i 0 the 71 statement contain in our gai 0 4 ea two or three weka weeks to paper 1 a th ago 90 ft t eff eilt tai i 4 horace wb while ile greeley in thi th I 1 tt r e ma n g a e A at the haiie or stil ani 0 of i t kleinan 1 e in a a as 8 bis g enest c barged hl hia two d silt 0 ol 01 0 lots larg on leaving for Bul r 1 subscription to doiy ae X r Y F fri bitne was wag not no t communicated to I 1 etc hl bl 1 1 tc by the gentleman whose a guest bt 1 I 1 bet was waa the publication in any way or Q I 1 jwta eted or sanctioned by him hian av we anake I 1 aih statement as an act of justice an ni to toe 1 the a possible wrong impression ahat than 11 ifeng article in question aart proceeded proceed ej in fa aej 11 I 1 from the gentleman with ta whom wh om mr cie I 1 1 1 1 ley stopped the facts were arnved r 1 sept an entirely different source ille I 1 el |