Show tite the ir rate ate c rankton rank tin the rate fata ot sij si jofin ad long shrouded shroud d in mystery rn is at last list clearly revealed the srm region region of frost and inda which so lovig long iuro en jealously guarded the he painful secret has been forced to yield ild it tip lip to ahe world and ek eten en we the fond at anil 1 d faithful woman bifi liv in in the face tr of co convincing n proofs to the contrary clugg with citing g a heroic aith to abd tbd be be belief 1 of b her abug husbands continued existence id in her heart the hope of 0 hi bis s return even she must biow open her eyes eyes to the dreadful truth trull that whilo while she malc m watched alc led arid and waited wailed thelast the lost wanderer wander cr h hid ad yn made lus his voyage to the spirit land fand lady franklins arctic expedition sent out to discover dischi er if p possible os sible some traces of the lost loat explorer has returned to englad eniar d bringing bring ing journals jou rials and records of the suffel 51 fuei inks hd and death of franklin and also the bones of some of those who perished will him sir SIP john himself diel el it a appears p pears 0 or king williams island on tit the 1 alth 1 th of june 1847 ile he sailed from england Eti gland with the erebus EI em and terror on the luth of may 1815 1845 and on oil the oth of july fa following b his Is expedition n vas as seen seed for the ilia last la at time by a while ship in in baffino Baff ins Eay Bay moored to an iceberg cab erg wiling for the opening of lancaster sound in 1848 an expedition wig ii e tit 4 1 others one und ander comm sir jasiek rosi followed in the course of the same bear ear but all were werd unsuccessful in 1850 several sex eral other expeditions were the knodt important of which was the th one prepared chiefly at the expense rei isec of henry grinnell of new york and d slating of the vessels Jn liance and rescue commanded by bl lieu de haven it sailed from new mw york on the of may 1850 on the ad of june 1831 the P prince ine ilbert albert started olit under tinder the auspices of lady franklin and in april 18 1852 Z 2 a fleet of 0 five vessels commanded by sir edw edward a ri belcher f followed ow ed in may 1853 dr kanes famous expedition sailed and in 1855 followed the one fitted out by the ta U S government govern ment under the command co in ot of Hart II artstein stelo to relieve dr kanes after all these had returned lady franklin prepared another it has just ug reta returned with ith mournful ino story of other her bus husbands banda hardships and death |