Show familiar ra quotations when I 1 oan read my title clear mrs mary clarke gaines go it boots wooden legs are I 1 cheap 11 general santayana Sant jlona adana at the hie batile batik of cerro gordo 11 throw physic to the doss dr jayne pile on the dirt dir tand and d d be he who first cries before hes hurt jarnes james gordon bennett motto borotto of the herald know ye the land of the cypress a and 11 1 I myrtle 17 gen wm win walker the world is all a fleeting show P T barnum our pony is pawing at the door J E johnsen the key to the whole mystery jilt s sickels look before you leap sam sain patch who A gone sucker supposed to be stephen jl doublas Do uylas we went at up like a rocket and came down like a stick cyrus crus jofield JV field arlon adoo adoo my native land faes oer the waters blue farewell to ye my warriner warr iyer band ye half starred hungry crew ay kouth Kossit th tell me not in mournful numbers lager la Is a tempting drink for or its mostly dead in tumblers and is never what you thirk think longfellow |