Show THE PRESENT population OF DELPHIA it if we needed any other evidence of the great growth of philadelphia ladelphia phi than the extent 0 of f ground which has been covered with house bouses since ince the last a at census we shall find it in the fact just revealed by the labor of mr cohen in marking up the city directory of philadelphia ile he has gone sufficiently far into that work to show that the population of philadelphia at the present time is persons an increase of persons persona since the last cenus caring taken nine years ago 01 0 bout about a 66 19 1 9 per cent the increase for the bevi previous ous ten years was 58 34 3 4 per cent cen t the a increase of population therefore has been eight per cent greater in the last nine years ears than it was in the previous ous ten I 1 delphia delp hla with th ohp except exception io ou jeaa c na do lon and q pans iris has haa a gr perhaps a 9 than any other european city t has as more inhabitants than new york had at the last census though that city like philadelphia ha largely increased its population since that thai time and probably numbers at this time the large increase in the population of philadelphia is doubtless owing to the spread of its no city in the union is more largely and variously engaged in this branch of productive du etive industry this with the vast in mineral 1 resources of the state develops by is the great source of 0 fits its prosperity and its wealth and in making philadelphia not only the most populous but the most beautiful city in america ledger |