Show sale os of california steamships i C K r ARR T SON ESQ OCEAN HAILS T TO A A com coin Vander built has bag bought the interest one half which C K barrison garrison esq owned irk in the steam ships sl aps em employed on the pacha side tb the curled vide sani and sierra ne ae vada ahe sum 6 ain agreed to b be paid mr garrison is is the bargain was wag made in newyork ew york on saturday last alter some negotiations goe lations duru during g bibich mr garrison to buy or sell air garrison intends for the future to 0 o devote himself to the business of or bankin uan kin in in new 1 the ite ships referred to will form apart of ahe at stock k owned w ne by Vander bilts company when L fu fully y pre prepared pared tor for business thia company pan will own seventeen steam ships to wit VI the 10 four above named six six others the owned m Q b by y vanderbilt vanderbil ei anil and seven which are now held in trust by marshal 0 roberts Robe its but of a formal sale will sill be made to avind up an old c company P n y with these seventeen Bev enteen steamers ava vander n d e r bilt will be ible to establish weekly corn om munica tiona with california at present vanderbilt wi take the california mail acl ariosa oss the isthmus of panama but it is is expected the route will soon be 01 ened d in that event ei ent he will mil transfer the I 1 trails Is to thal tha route st louis ftp R |