Show a stage stae coach going pad with hills on every watery clouds rol ps a cold piercing wind ii a your teeth driving a through you yeti is is not an of thing or one calca a naturally reserved liable individual talk ilkew to pleasantly tan as I 1 once traveled urney morose and si confounding things in and my barometer ing ng to foretell a storm for the first ten miles louring off my ruined dierk streams down i fase face making map ly erst spotless linen pad sd to speak to a felp sm art t next who me with the title squared squired muirel if I 1 p a sort of a line to iv M I 1 looked at the w that he was a sea ji a face lidean like an oak wa and solid like L br bristling ding scorched er Is olor color I ile he le was ivas aday ri rig black sat gradually grad ax rally ae in the rain rain and n small and set far I 1 said I 1 was 11 sorry never mind uey nev lied squeezing his wadded ind added tell I 1 a sight rather 3 horn on the I 1 than on this old heels I 1 would I 1 blied not that I 1 lapress press a iverel merely for short h at me agam again r a confidential leen een a subdued tone tf f tho the fierce wind id d something ething of but its all by a series of j all right its ashes there age ige and as who is i lund ind a turn in the I 1 plind I 1 wind I on our star Is Is jack had i course we f of mr ly in six six or we escaped some ome in and could speak so who is rested oh re I 1 dont know im ree getting mar saturday night y on sunday and bally a ellow old sweet 1 the thing you see aruther uther out under ried led this morning ashes below in the to 0 stick to shore ate life w with ith her i he is by this i first station hor id d so we all got 1 got out and we pralor of ther theao ho comet something hing morel more i r I 1 kept by jack I 1 I 1 i ig to see a little I 1 4 I 1 q adaily dressed m in a f N glass aindow vin dow or a and a bonnet all f a with a whole cottage garden outside and soma some flow flowers inside visible through a white veil like those said cottage win windows and then the light gloves already sadly soiled made her look like a pair of large sized canaries rather ill of moult as they here and there with affectionate solicitude licit ude over jacks person now arranging his tie now settling down hi s wet hair or propping up his and limp shirt collar he meanwhile looking foolishly delighted and blushing a good deal inside a blush get through that tanned skin of his but he looked as if he felt one trying it the bride still kept her veil down and I 1 felt curious and a little imp impatient a to see what sort of a face came up to jacks notions of an angel I 1 dicht wish to come to a rash con illusion on the subject of her looks as I 1 know veils to be dec deceptive especially hite ones so I 1 N waited till she was induced to take something when set about the operation of raising the curtain I 1 inwardly challenged her to do so and show how a face half as beautiful as stop slop where was I 1 well she showed her face and I 1 was disappointed disa pointed im compelled to say she was to use a mild phrase rather ugly upon the whole and as to ag age e 0 oh h never lever mind she had glossy still black ringlets as black and stiff as so many ebony rulers and absurdly developed develop ej ear drops like brass candlesticks candle sticks swinging cring about as she moved what is beauty to him she rhe is as beautiful as all the Venus ses and it suits his purpose to believe so quite as well as though it were the case lon long I 1 may he think so and may they thelba be ba happy I 1 reflected jack was happy then if eve ever r ile he shook hands bands with every one he be could lay hold bold on treating e ei to everything af lording opportunities tuni ties too eagerly clutched at by some of gelling gratuitously glo glorious hous and while hi thought of his vanquished an rival and his beauteous bri dewed better say the wind might be exult angly performing the nying itself with the rain on the wm win I 1 dows aap iap happy u h happy an happy pair none but ut t the brave rave nona bonz but the b brave rave none but the brave deserves deserve 9 the fair I 1 saw no more of the ho happy pair at that time ore one odthe of the insides s topped stopped tops stops at the hotel a seat was vacant arid and 1 I with a telf self sacrificing generosity which none but mosely can duly appreciate preci ate and which I 1 shall ever remember with pride waved my prior 0 laim claim end let jack get into the i cabin bin beside his dry angel for the rest of the journey TWO atter M ACE bcd lack OLI what a change the streets are interesting on a saturday night a dark night dight say about ten lights streaming from grocers buthers bul bers bakers cook shop and public house doors and windows the crowd pouring on inces incessantly saady every individual working gr his or her thread in the tangled web of city life laden housewives laboring along with bi big baskets with wondering erinc weans in in to tow v taking home their mar marketing and minding the good mans newspaper a and d tobacco in passing sad worn like wives walking anxiously looking for their husbands their market bas bets still empty and nothing to fill them with till they hunt them thela ap up and too often nothing then thousands tk tiding lin on th thinking inkin not of these things merl men women and children baw bawlin linc wonderful pennyworths pennywort penny lis stay laces and bootlace boot lace laces a fabulous number for fora a hap hapenny ermy 1 day and martins manias best paste blacking lucifer matches best S seville evil 16 oranges I 1 latest edee ede of north breclin express scotsman or fusses busses with now and then the stentorian voice of all but the last isa speech bech crier rising abaye every other noise as he roars tao to the citizens just jewlie published containing a full and particular account it may be of a ter iw T r brocious murder or cur and barbarous shipwreck and loss of life but it fat fails Is to excite e us mere mcm than ihan the stay lace and bootlace boot lace announcement so hearing all these things s seeing being all these things thi one night two months after the stage coach journey I 1 passed on through or with the crowd I 1 was keeping my eye on a couple just a little before me there was no na doubt as to their relationship the man walked in advance of his better half shoki smoking ng with his hands buried pro tempore in in his coat pockets the woman followed her imperfect half in a trailing slip shod fashion she was decidedly drag e tailed and not in the least pur iose like she carried a basket which m sute sure contained a cheeps he head ad and greens the husband passed a a fragrant gale came out at the poor took him tenderly by the nose ind and turned him back to look in m at the window where abere his wife presently jOi joined him and there they stood in the maze of light from the cook sho shop win dow the bride and bridegroom of the stage coach boach I 1 was w as amazed and horrified to see the change especially on the bride dear me was the romance rubbed off so soon like the polish off cheap furniture or the gril gilding ding off brass jewelry there she was in in the scarcely recognizable rainbow shawl the bonnet was only to bs be guessed at I 1 think it was the marriage one I 1 dont know where the ringlets were unless they were twisted into an abominable knot at the back of her head keeping the bonnet resting on the ruined shawl the horrid pendulous ear drops were there more brasslike brassy now the gloves aloes were not she had bad the door key in her hand 1 I hope she meant to wash those hands when she got home borne and there they stood in in the light of a cook shop window two months after marriage they were debating d elatin rather warmly what they would have for sup supper per pigs feet oh horror and sausages were the only words I 1 could catch these were the rival candidates candidate 3 for the meal jack I 1 could gather was using his luence in in favor of the former mrs jack was strongly bent on the latter the dol deb ate te grew gi ew warmer and ended in in jack walking sulkily oft kofl followed by his wife in a pet without t supper u at all aal this Ms only ei eight ht weeks af after ter barriage nai nago N nervous arvous and curiously raed individuals think of that promising ind engaging girls look 1001 at the picture ladies and gentlemen do not be offended I 1 dont mean in e a n that either of you respectively would marry oaken faced sailors or ebon ebony persons with a passion for distressingly exaggerated ear drops or 0 that if you would go a marketing on a 1 I saturday night or supposing sup you ou might do so that you would quarrel on the relative merits of pigs feet and sausages es by no means but you may get married and you may find that the hoDey honeymoon moo n is i s succeeded as somebody sa says ys by a beeswax moon if you don t take care to discover that cupid likes to libeon live on best what sort of house suits him and generally how to secure his countenance so that the fastidious boy fly away as soon as the newness leaves your dresses and your furniture and leave leaie you to quarrel on thins things of as vital consequences as the s upper supper of jack and his bride |