Show REASON WHY THE JUDGE GET A BITE judge bibb had been als fishing all 11 the morning without a nibble ba having a ng a live frog for a bait A friend came along and said judge let me catch a fresh bait for you asee 1 see a fro frog on the bank close beside e side you thank you sir I 1 wish you would ca catch tali that fro frog sir its been staring me in in the face ia c e all the morning I 1 believe it knows that I 1 have one of its family on my hook ha ha ha catch it sir by all means catch it mr D sharpened his rod and cautiously striking with the sharp end pinned the frog through one of its under hinder legs just then as mr D was lifting aloft his prize the judge began winding up his reel and uttered in a joyous s cry hold still sir keep quiet ive got a bite rapidly eidly wound the reel rapidly came in in the slackening line till the last few yards of it floated upon the surface of the stream and then with a face that boded thunder the judge turned to mr D why sir sir youve caught my frog and so it was theoroy the broj froy with wit lithe the impulse of all amphibious animals when wounded had made for the shore and there it had crouched for four hours directly under the judges nose and holding holdin g his hook book out of via iia ter |