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Show JACK DigWJEY BLITHELY TWEAKS NOSE OF "OLD MAN TIDE "There Ain't No Old Age" . ii , , f ' ' 1 ":. : 1 ' C xxxXxCr:iX f x -'v "n iiiii'imiiLiiiwiiw nniii.il mi i ran BOXER PAILS TO GET OLD Former Salt Lak Favorite h Trainer for Badly ' " Jinxed Senators ; ' By St Moloney , Whlla Buddy Ryan. Billy Orr and flook of ika ball playora with tka acramanla alub know alt Lka a ad all Lkra mlhty wall, thara'a ant wltk Iha Colonala who knowa mora ahoat tka flly than tho aoraca alt lk.r. Ha a Jack Uowiiay. trata ar for tha club, plonaar Salt Lkar. maalor of tha art of good llvlnr. a ad tho only aarbald boiar oa tho Pacl(l toaat. Not oaly la rtewnay and hla inlay nata faailllar tlcura in tha bo ln rlna on tha a ra board, but Jack la no ilrinur I rlnga la tha la-larmountaln la-larmountaln arctlon, having foucht la Salt Laka. Oa-daa. focatallo. Prora, Tooalo, Ruraka and about ovary piaea la Utah, Idaho aad Wyoming wktch waa larga anough to bouaa a boatng rlnr and anough fana to pay tho fralght. Downy waa wlthotit a doubt ono of Iha moat popular battlera la thla Motion for naarly taa yaara. TtKM OK AOS. Jark la getting- old aow. Ma Wont admit il, and will vorlfaroualy claim that hla bald domo dnran't dnota ago. Mahha It doran't. but Jack Isn't a aprlnc chlrkrn any mora t bo hag a whola lot of fight In him. Just to ahow hi old frtanda that ha'a tha aama old guy who waa ao aprightly around fall Lako aoma tlma ago, Downay la gulng lrk Into Iha ring during hla prant trip to Malt !jk. Tkia tlma, huwvar. It will marrly ba la tha rolo of rrforaa. Ma will do tha honora at Jim lownlnira 1'. C. T. convention ahow at Omlaa Haturday night In which Hilly Wallace and Abla Mlahklnd will hattfa for loa rouada. Lea fiavia and Frankla Dar van will go for ten roundo and Ham Latlmar and Ulck Marron will baula for ala. grn.1. ooag bio. Tha phyalcal prowaaa of tho Pownay guy la little ahort of ramarkahla. whan ha loft Rait Laka aoma yaara ago, ha waa roaaldered a vataran of tha fight game. Ha had already fought nearly taa yeara around Mali l.ake and waa an eaparlencod rlngater when ha am, here. That mattered little to htm. Downey took hla ehUiy topato California and proceeded to win twenty-ona coneecutlve mala evente before hla mag career waa halted. Ha la atlll going big oa !! eoaat. It la clean Irving and right living that haa inert. It poeetble for I owney to round I out ouch a long and meritorious career la the ring. He la one of those funny guya who can't aw high atepptng with a spy gteae. Ha doesn't drink, even In these oaya when II la aa accomplishment to be able lo drink nd aland It. Ha worka hard all of tha tlma, usually keepa la pretty fair condition, and geta hla reek when It doee the moot goodat Bight. TKLLft 'IM HOW. 'Rome of laeee young fallow, get the foolish notion that thoy are having a lot of fun when thay are atepptng high, wide and nanriaome," la the way Jack es-, plains It. "Tha truth of the matter la they have tuat whipped themselvea Into tha belief that It la fun they are having. They are merely weatlug thslr heritage of Cood health, getting themselvea lo feel ad and piling up for theinaelvee a nice big atore of misery, 'l hare a etrtng of flghtcra on thg coast. Whenever I take on a new flrhter I have a little talk with him. I try to ahow him how easily a habit la formed, if he atarta working hard, living cteaa and getting to bed early and up early, the habit la aa easy to form, aa etepplng until tha amall houra of tha morning. Ad It la uat as muck fun, too, OUTLIVgg THIM. "Then 1 clta a lot of ooncrete eaamplea. There are a lot of 'em too. If anybody carsa to know. A number of the gang whan I waa young had all of their rua In a few ahort yeara They wasted tkelr health and vitality. They're dead, lag not only living but I'm atlll fighting. "Mehba 1 didn't have aa much fun aa they did then but. boy, I'm glad I waa willing to apread my Joy over a few avura yeara. ' . WCITBBN LKAtlt'K. Wen. Lest. Trt. at. jostpk t ,ii '.its Hlous City IT 13 .lit Wlrhlla, .IIS Tales II ! . uuuha ...It IS '. tjklehoma City It la . .414 D.a Moines . .' II IS ,4:1 j Denver II II Tastsrdsir'a Bssalta. At at. Jesaph: K. It. at, aieus t'tty I . at. Joseph I la 4 Heiierlee WUIIama aad ahaagllag; Bird and KaaOler. At Tulaar H. K. B. Omaha I It Tulas 1 I Heitorles Dally snd Wilder; Blsea, Use-ksnuvle Use-ksnuvle snd Crosby. At Wlrhlla: K. H. B. Des Muln., ...I t 1 V Irlllta II I llalterlcs Msrs aad Baaaer; etaaser aad HsUy. At Oklahoma City: R. H. P ' lwm.r .. a i a uklaboitia City 4 Is 1 Hatterlas UcElrss, Hsll aad Parker; Alien Al-ien and Long. AMKHICAX AaaoTlATIOM. , Won. Lost. Pet. Utnneaanlie II 14 .114 Indianapolis 10 II .121 at. Taul II . II .114 Milwaukee ! II .ill Columbus 14 II .4S Louisville 21 19 .ti'S Kansas City It II .401 Toledo II 14 .III Testarday'a Reseka. ' At Indlsnapolla: R. . N. B. Tel,do 1 I Indianapolis d ristterlrs Ayres. Terry aad Kecksri Jen asrd asd Kruegar. At etllwaakee: . R. H. B. Ht. Paul .. II I . . Mllwsukee 4 1 Batteries hheebaa and AlUa. Ooasalea, Rvlvre. Llagrel, Clarke and Myall. At Kansas City: v R- H. B. Minneapolis '.....I 1 Kanaa, City . I I Hatterlee Thormahlen and atayer. Cold-well Cold-well sad kl(t. ColumbuS'LeuiavUle, raia.t ' a . JACK DOWN BY. ' |