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Show I I TOMORROW ONLY 2 and 8 p. m. AL.G.BARNES BIG 4 RINO WILD ANIMAL j r TUSKO. .fWl TALLER HALF IN THE STUPCNPOCl O1!! fAiCYLW.0 MN1AW V i MICE IN I? JUNGLSrAHD ' NOV COITION Of AL G. 'ift BACNtS AMAZINGLY BfAUTIfU LtCiCAL tXTCAVAGANZA LUl U J R8'06fC HlPK)P0Tfl03 ZPtPFORMANCESDMLY 2 AND 8 PM nil OPf N DtN STBILT WCAOE Al C50 Art DAILY Admitiion, 50c and 75c. Reserved Chair Seat Sale tomorrow at Owl Drug Store THIS IS THE BILL YOU HEARD ABOUT YESTERDAY V WILLE BROS. JOE THOMAS AND HIS SAX-O-TETTE I ; SKIPPER, KENNEDY & REEVES GRACE DUNBAR NILE & CO. IN "PETTICOATS" CORNISH & CARTER WHEN ROMANCE RIDES SEE IT i . i fnaaaTtaHaaaTaaiaTaTniMaaBaanlalTaTaT I I LAST TIMES TODAY TOMORROW Who pays the jazz bills ? That unsung hero of a million mil-lion homo FATTIER! , "The I ''A I Good I Providef : f& Tha ahow that haa baan tha ; Jl talk of tha town this waak. 1 ii PATH E NEWS ft THE USUAL GOOD MUS'C J, WATER-COLLED AIR 1 rvj ICED DRINKING WATER j ' FX ' 'Jiii. ,-'VU..'lilfl'. A1rilaSU-Vwl . t litr" Have you been in the lake this year? You've missed a real treat if you haven't. A Jip in S:i!!;i.r is jit the tl.i.i"; fur arouiul in; dc:p oiuhi.Ii for tlioc v!io these hut, sultry aitonuion :;'tJ cvoninss. like tn 1 1 :i t .in.! vim mi its hii.mt The atmoMphere i'.t l-.it'.iiiv; is i.ie..l, .uul w.:es. the water, with a tenr.vraiure ar-.uud S nri . tho f,m;,v ut this ;l,t,ri,m Jesrees. .s de Mmul-niM riKht for a;i ()no (1, t,.0 J (VS i)urinir the j mviRoratinj' plunge. j The water is i:i'.i:.i,il'v ele.m. I'lenty Sunset He.ieli with its clean, white of shallow water Mr the ki.klie-. In splash sand adds perfection tn the bathins;. Free Band Concert Sunday, ?; R- and AJ!io" to the R"ort .S5c. Danr.ntT 25c for men; ladies free. 5 to 7 p. m. I R. Owen SiA'U'ti n.u! bU ban.l. Train Schedule ! Special attractions tiii. u-V l.ilm V. . Sum.nerli.ns. Mctvin IV rVtervn. Mrs. eave Salt.ur depot 7:lS, , ; .00 ,. . ,. .... . , , noon, 2 p. in. an.l every thirty minutes Norman Ci. Atkinoii .'.p.. I A.t.i iv.iyer. tlieu'alter M. I. A. Day Friday, June 9th ?m5$ ' "N- . Create . .JIr,f' vs' Cer :3 . .Ja'i'h -4' . Amusement Value tMv.. . intheWorld VopenAir Movies Brinning Saturday night and continuing every night through the season, free movies will be a "feature at Lagoon. Plenty of Comfortable seats. Cool Off! Bathina; at Waikiki Beach is great. Lots of sea sand for out-of-Wttter frolicking. Get away from the heat and mosquitoes by spending the day at Lagooncool, restful, beautiful. beau-tiful. . Free playgrounds for the chil.Irt n. Dancing Donald Kirk ham's orchestra is a winner. The popular feature sew tempo for each encore. Special Tcnigbt! ' Miss Irene Kimball and Prof. R. 1 G. VaUon will demonstrate ; "The Domino Trot," mado fa- mous by Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle. 'Train, .very hour from 12. Far., Induct. tng admlmon, 31c round trip. Autoi. 1 Cin p.r car and toe par p..ngcr. Danclnj, . Cantl.mcn, lic; L.dic. Frca. Wcf GEM Today Hl.torlcal Pacj.aajt "CABIRIA" Town Topics Two Big Comtdiea Coming Saturday CHARLES RAY In "TWO MINUTF8 TO GO" AdmlMion (including tan), ifto BMwSTATE CCVI INUOUS I TO 11 P. M. NOW PL A VINO towi aux IN "Tha Rcugh Diamond" AND 5 P.IG ACTS 5 of Unavcsl.cd Luew VAUDEVILLE Aft.rnoo-i Ev.nlno, C. Sun. a Hoi.) (Sun 4 Hoi. Aft.) 20c (P!u Tan) 3;0 (Piu. Tax) luuO Scat. ,21 B.I.I 10C (No Taa) !id ' THEATRE 1 American i i COMING AND GOING STRONG 13 "TEN NIGHTS m 1 A BARROOM" f j That world-known stage success and human-interest story. I BABY IVY WARD i Ea greets and pleases all the patrons and shows her tru: quality v as a star. She will hold a reception to the children of Salt J Lake in tha Dansante at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon and wishes t to sc every child in the city. All are invited. if At 2:30 thia aftarnoon Baby Ward addrc.se. tha union maating of the I ' V. W. C. A. at ita clubroms. Thara'a Harold Lloyd Comedy! And the dedication of Lincoln Memorial! Houre 12:30, 2, 4, (, S, 9:45. Matinees 10c. 15c. 2Sc. DANSANTE AND CAFE: a Cool, comfortable and moet enjoyable. Open 11:30 to 12 p. m. CAFE Light lunches and refreshments, noon till midnight. Phone Wa.atch 1970 for Taa, Bridge, Lunch and Dance Partiea. !U ; ; ; NOW PLAVINQ "TO PLEASE ONE WOMAN" Round 81k "THE LEATHER PUSHERS" Selected Comtdy - , INTERNATIONAL NEWS r taaaraMaaaaawar nw a aaaj jia imiWl |