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Show GREAT GAS LOSSES . IN REFINING PUINT TTASHINOTON, June (rty TT. p V WHh millions of motorists a;roan1nf under recent , Increases In the price of ajajiollne and a conirresatonal Investl-catlea Investl-catlea ordered to determine If prot-lleerina; prot-lleerina; exlsta In lb petroleum Industry. Indus-try. the bureau of mines here in-no in-no u nee a that approalmatel v IZO.OOA.iiuu rsllons of recoverable icasollne are bens; be-ns; lost annually In refining processes through Incomplete condensation of vopora. certain reflnera are awake tg, the situation, the bureau etates, but their recovery of eraaollne Is but a fraction U0 tpe recovery poeslbl. .,. |