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Show PROMPTAGTION ONWARCLAIMS Germany Agrees to Plan for Naming Commission WABIIINUTON, Jun Prompt tlii on tha dctarmlnatlon and adjudl-ration adjudl-ration of claims of American cltisana aim In at Ofrmti growing; out o( tha war la tupactr by ataia flaps rt man! rf iclala to rrault from tha act 'on of thA Oirinan government In approving; 1 lh Amrli in auggvailon that a Joint rommlnion t ciatd to paaa upon i thru mtifia. Anihwml.ir Houghton gt Jirrhii, it was aaid toddy, haa ad fined the liartnirit of Owrinanyn nation, na-tion, the (it rmnn approval Including tha unusual ninui that tha third ttiamoor of thi? cornrmlsaion tn ba railed In wh'Ti tha two fommlfflonr, on appolnwd hy nrh govern man I, flld to rcarh agreement, ahould t an A me flea fl-ea n. Th general turmi of a convention to over th procsdura of th olalma com tntaalon already hava been agrd upon by the two sgavernmenta. |