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Show HOMING TAKES i POLO CONTEST i Speedy Mounts Give Team Big Advantage noiHB. Ida. Juna Kort Ruasall, rpra-aented rpra-aented by tha Thirteenth cavalry team, won a alow game from tha ('asip I,awla tntranta of tha Tanth field art.llery In tha fourth m&trh of tha fifteen day Nurthweatern pole tourtiamant at the barracke fle!4 Wednesday Wednes-day afternoon. Port Ruasell finish ad with a 14 to lead after holding tha Washington artilleryman scoralaaa from tha third parlnd. With an advafi'aga In mora apad mounta, tha Wyoming cavalryman swamped the alowar and leaa accurate offtcere of tha Tanlh field artlllarr. Tlma and again, tha waarars e( tha blua and red gained poaaea-alon poaaea-alon of the ball only to loea a comparatively easy shot with a clear field, by a complete mlae. I-odg and Valght, numbers I end 4. for Port Ruaaall, war stellar playarw Wadnaaday and ware aaaleted by uimwurH. Ma line, Iwla No. 1. did not show so strongly wadnaaday whan covering tha veteran vet-eran Votgt as la hta Initial gams against tha Monterey I'raatdlo team Monday, cores ware made ae followe: Thirteenth cavalry iiodge , Votgt I. Me Dill I Tenth field artillery Allen 1. Mai lone X. Uuernsey 1. K.uls 4'avalry I, Artillery 1. Hafetlea t'avalry I. Artillery 1. Referee Herbert Lamp of oUtee. |