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Show Auerbach (d j Hear the Columbia Records i aa aavartit.d In thla paper by the Columbia Graphophone Co. at Our Phonograph Dept I Eight aemrortebl. hearing rlsmL ' Auerbacli (o. : PHONOGRAPH DEPT ! ihmm ruuo) t I " ft ' i a-n a-aarasa-swas j ! VALUES!--Don't Miss Them-VALP f 1 I YMfa& Very Remarkably Low Prices -mrfimA MMJ in Every Section for Saturday fe-sljj I hC?mt' m- j i- J III li v I ) V " A PX" MlMtlm""!! dium'buat and f ll I I K I K-'j ,uw dlh f all S tio lop modalsi feur f II J IX I V .- 1 ' k-V I trMn St i v y j ' A i u ! ) Phenomenal Sale of Underwear ! hur 0 SPRING DRESSSS " I g . A Hundreds of Fashionable New Models f ff a . Specials m-iy Nv q i 11 a m j VJd7lSk Intended to Retail J ft . 4 y to n a. m. mQS UptoS45 7 " s $4.50 wool Al 11 F ?r rn ' 1 srlik sSweaters LBJg- . (?S ' Bj 'S' For Theie Hour. Only YyJlW UW 0 J J S O" J PH A. H $49 mm Obtained at drastic price concessions! Our biggest deal I lsj u Jy Ji nlfu-W j in years! Priced to give you values more remarkable U ilJrsn'ljPTfl' ft than ou ever reanieJ f Including ultra-fashionable n teJ-lil ll lLO I dresses and copies of higher priced successes. n.i m w wowiN't hlk m t-ine zephyr ail-woo! sweat- RYvSill'rW 1 n " ' aotimuy m ers; shp-on styles; beautiful ZBMaridlS1 II Every dress of highest type! and character. In all the i 1 1 n H lJnl ZtL 'TOlpfflAJ V beautiful and wanted innovations. Authentic and dis- l3Cel.Z5el.53 panjs or contrastinr colors. If 1 JlitAI LJJZJ1 i- u f . i j i w.ti womin'i vmt in m-n m-n Provide one for vour outin? lM'twlLnN tinctive enough to appeal to women accustomed to pay-. LdJdit Imui!?) B today' vH7 1 ing much higher pricK g ' A. . I 6 1 M M SILK (PORT VltTS In eol. H V S A II rJ ora with eontrmallnc mbro4dr1. Q - $2.00 SHEETS On of th brut k. 1 r T 1 1 f ee m. HIM It, U aji4 4U. Iiinllmi ho- f brund. nwl. Kxtn good qu.il- Yr" L-tllC 1 ailOTed I-I latletaS wd et IIH rXk K 111 B m Ity; hemmed, rndy for us. j " j , . , tnly. Ail go at md m 8i 8ix9. stur. At i Dresses Crepe de Chines rNcy mt bloom o g day apnelal Ml -T A " aolorad Xlk rsrtoua tylM. On Q (umit of to ottom.) (TLU Newer Afternoon Reshimara . rJ..'', t"r,r- u v.iuM t. urn) infants' vWi I Modes Tricotines J,'Z1 "" ai'1 M SWISS ANO LAWN BONNETS , U.I9 U 5 1!nt,r . "0' "d '" fea Smart Street Frocks Georgette mmV ""eiea BT broldry irlmmltif. A number IZM . . ... - ii. S4C3 i'-iT" 25 V Utility Models Wool Jerseys r; 9 g siyiea r J -.-.. SPECIALLY SELECTED FROM OUR OWN NEW STOCKS OF' GlOVCQ g 1 long silk gloves at Last Day Jim Sla Price S r.Tn,;n k 35 Sumirier Dresses aTI i?p- auntl.t s H i.oo short two-clasp Undemriced for Saturday 1 g II ! km womin'i u-iutton hlk m CLOVES Kmall OK Unuerpnceu iur uaiiuuojr .I 0LOVI4 lunbrotdtrW vm: whit "l1" a cool, dainty frock is a summer necessity. This is your op- T . XT"'":.. W.25 H H (i-imit of 1 p.ir. 10 cu.tomr.) portunitv to buy one at the beginning of the season at an - tut kayiin hlk olovk-h. H g ir th .took of ny of th,., two- exceptional price. These attractive new dresses are beautifully ff'jl ui L" An'thooJo7ir,Ai m M h"r "r-ni.i. 1. .,d ,,, b,for. fashioned of GINGHAMS. ORGANDIES, VOILES. RATINES. f I jutuHU, m m 11 a. m. It cannot ba rrplrn- , " .11 S il II i M , LrjNQ LK OLOVia m 1 ivh,d .t thi. pric s(j come Just arrived all new stock! " r?ii "niA w arm. ? 10 H KARLY! m a b a nana ill In bmrar SI a New. $1.50 Sheets Children's Wear 1 5 : MILLINERY SALE b0dd.liuea,';.a!"b!! $1.10 Children's Dresses fP'r S 5 Hat. that hay. ben ? j? 14 -X , jf 5S S 1?v $3.00 Crochet I iF S : s1' :h:7lr Bedspreads ?2l25i ! d&ZSiirT & J 1 I GK I-arpe met; hemmed. M 7Q unghams with I y iTSi II . g Vi 1,1 ,7 SpeeiHl yl.19 touche. of hand em- iffP, (OSZjfr&C&j J fc'y ftvY rS7 ' J &J broidery and collar. !,.MM7 Wmi li Ai -r- and cuff, of con- V .MMlfWlZr R S PH W A -. $2-25 Feather SSuiSSSi 'f . " LV' I il V IKUV er"1 every demand A lllUVYaJ 12 00 BOVS' WASH SUITS Bv,ral atylea to cbooaa from. Coat. Nj 'A V' W)L t i u t mxlily and butlun wal.ta. Come In all ootora and J jtQ M m vL'Sv lvOvilf rfJ faahion lor turn- Rtriotly now feathers, thor- whit,, plain and atrip,.. I to I yaara " Wl Sg'j.' Jt? . Moal attrac ouchlv eloiiiie.l nn.i i.nrifie.l UP T0 44 50 CHILDREN'S COLORED ORGANDY AND VOILI . " A I 5rT Vr22&j5J anrac- ouKniy eieniied inn purine.!. DRESSES All popular ahl,a with rufflea and touch,, of hand CWVS: S SrTTa tive in all the beau- ful'et on each end ; eovereil enihroiilny; wil ah,.. Aura z to ( year.. &2 89 " SfVjE with featherpriiof fntiev tii-k- Hatunlny apeclal ata.w m VatSgyii WilroS Uful mid-uimmer : Si,.,i'T , mj tSI VALUES TO 16.00 WHITE SWISS AND LAWN DRESSES j lli(J. "I7.e -IX. i. .-Mil- arji nn 1)Mm,y ,.e ii,i-rtlnn.. tuck, and ruffle.. Hllahtly , p: m " Stylet. tirclav spreinl, eaeli . . rllaaWW koIImI. ! I I yan nc" V 1 J . I ToiletArticles I ( NEW SUMMER YARD GOODS I I r" "JT.iS " I S 10c .OA a. GENUINE IMPORTED FRENCH 1S0 FINE IMPORTED FRENCH All I lllWj.M Many odor. w RATINE In all tha .port chtck. r. ) fTl VOILES U-autlfiil lnKl,rlal nd fill I ftlllllMr H B. PSo TALCUM A. and .tripe. W, rarry nnly tha I Vft 1 patternn; 8 to 40' Inch,. QQA M I I I al.!! 1111.1 a H,v,ml k.ml. IV br.t mad,. Saturday CI SO I V I 'i 90 Sill UVU11IVI " Ta"." N0?'?'N IOC 1 -MXl J Wc NEW VOILES AND BATISTES - 0 uc MCE OA. 60c CRETONNES All n,w pattarna f JlJ& V - ynr.ln .,r mw pattorn. In lljht I AAflfl fl Ef POWDIR C for dr,.-, a.r..i,. ,tc. tiood h.-vy aj,.., ,.Tr rf i'V1 atid dark colorM. 39 C IIIIIIV 2 toe almond an, Saturday 25 1 YW' rK'bt B",un,"y liUUUlJ S LOTION W tpeclul L'i V'ffrq' fif'li',r'rf 1500 VARt3 0F FLAXON rtood . H 39c WEEK-END 25fi unll AND MAR f 'iji ' I'tf . "i .'Ll' .Hi malarial; (m pattern.; 30 In an anormoua .howlnf of W " pachaoe. . ,,eFjVi- v ! 7 i afii l l-'.W ftali&7J 1 ,2 ,n,'h'" wl,ln ". rntni and vanltlaa. b Mc RUBBER 2I. QUI8ETTE-V.ry baaut.ful 4g. Vi1 WW 'V 75o FANCY WHITE VOILES Nona raaarvad. r thl. day H OLOVE. da.n;n. Jfl-'M''jtir Kher 'luallty; Kood' pat- at M ?t.?.1,.v 27C V-00 IMPORTED TISSUES-r-8000 rlf'trj larna; 3 and 3 Inehe. wlda H 'I H ITATlONiaY yard". The laraint variety of all IV 'Vi'l jrf 1100 NAINCHECKS A fine quality IT 177 Muff nZ "' SJ 10c TOILET gg ,h(l bMlt ,trpn and clieck and nviTlfal "r "l"Tw'"'". (towns, . etc., In all lL Ilia iEJubM.. VDkAL t 9Q color.. Ju.t received gC iiJilj ' Plain -had,., and dainty col- 55$ ' J VII BRU.H llE.JI Inrhe. jide " A"1 '' or.. 3 Incho. wide . ! POSITIVELY THE LAST DAY OF SALE SHOP EARLY j j i e . All Agree that : TREE TEA is The One Quality Tea which costs so little! fey Ceylon Japan Black Own f To deliver full power your motor must have its pistons pis-tons sealed tight and friction eliminated. elimi-nated. Motor Oil because it stands up under heat always maintains its lubricating film. Manufactured and guarantied by ' UTAH OIL REFINING CO. . Sail Jake City |