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Show HIGHEST W'tt&Ttt GOIDMEDAI ! HONORS t,lu 44ziU n?Anm?i7T OBTAINABLE l-vVUS WJANBriflZl ft , June Specials Going Tremendously Strong "" WHITE FABRIC PUMPS With LXV, Cuban i FAMOUS SPORT OXFORD SPECIAL hamilton-brown black Kio-on. y iu' hcei.; ejq prj '. two. and three-etrap slippers: Louis hw!, .pecla! VW1U1J i John 8. Gray, Alden. Walker, Wild. Slater with buckles or buttons; regular CO OC I Morrill and other fiunous make. Genuine 'i 85 value. Hpeclal VasOJ gMBwaessxaeaaaaaei white burkakln. with black or brown trim: 1 I leather or compoaltlon aolea; to SJ QC ' aawV II I 111 value.; apeclal at Vle03 "Qj rs;"":.,:r..".;; $4.65 RIUEY'S FAMOUS WHITE NILE I I WHITE FABRIC, BROAD ONE-CLOTH ONE-CLOTH 0XT0RDS Medium M OK CHILDREN'S SHOES STEAP 8LIPPEB Two-button, Broad-I Broad-I or tow heel,,. social PATENT INSTEP STRAP SLIPPERS -rpaUorn ; low he,.. $35 , 1 : $1.45 ST." . $IJD5 , : , ! BOY SCOUT SHOES "J $1.65 ,?T " S2.45 Play Oxfords and Barefoot Sandals c- . WHITE CANVAS INSTEP'STRAP wv wos.ud.w to la" 52.45 8UPPERS Size, 5 MaJC 1 S"' $2.85 r.'. $1.65 ti " $2.45 1 laST."! FILLED 'rn'MabST REPAIRING Tfta with bio and orwng, dark Srlth ytOlow or vwmiUlon, gry with ibliM, grto, rd or octnghu art tuLha tonly a fw of tha muaj excellent color ' octnUnttloni for porch fnrnitnre )wint4xl with Bennett'i paint or soamel. 1 Decorate Your t Porch Furniture Gay, colorful porch furniture edde jut the ritrht touch of briuhtnese and diitinction to porch or lawn. ' tm You can get the moat beautiful ieffecta JI 'with Bennett ' painti or enamels and you have the satisfaction of knowing that the effect will be LASTING, becauee Bennett's paints are made specially to IfiTe longest service in this high, dry climate. " evw7 I,urP,,e thrTe Bennett Cm product, sure to (five the longest sorrioe A Wt5 n( t'le S1-"'' satisfaction. . j-a More than 36 years of success in the . ., ttJ' the best recommendation .. . 1 V 'or 2ennett J paints. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES e Announce Exceptionally ATTRACTIVE SUMMER RATES TO ALL COAST POINTS . MAKE CALIFORNIA IN ONE COMPLETE TRIP LOS ANGELES frAQQ) and Return $5.5Z INCLUDING SAN FRANCISCO SACRAMENTO SAN JOSE STOCKTON BIG TREES MERCED . SANTA CRUZ FRESNO SANTA BARBARA BAKERSFIELD Side Trips to LAKE TAHOE YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK DEL MONTE GENERAL GRANT NATIONAL PARif MONTEREY SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK Sale Dates, May 15th to September 30th, inclusive. Final Limit, October 3 1st Stopovers within limit! New Ticket Office GROUND FLOOR 147 SOUTH MAIN TRIBUNE BUILDING. Call on us for New Illustrated Literature and Information. Wasatch 3008, Wasatch 3078, 147 South Main. Room 304 Clift Bldg. . P. Bancroft, District Passenger Agent AN OPEN LETTER The Blackburn Products Co.. Peyton. Ohio. Gentlemen: I have taken three boxe. of Cadomeme tablete and I am not i nearly so nervoua aa I waa. while 1 am now eating with keen re JJJh " have no more trouble with my etomach whatever, etc. Yours very truly, a K. Hamilton. It tXittage St. Franklin. Mt Caoomene should h taken by any one who ha. symp-toms symp-toms of Impoverished blood and weak nervee. like th WCkJW2Is2f7l following:-'NerVousneia. sleepleeenese. Irrltshlllty. w'k- rlidtlm K nees. nervous Indigestion, headache, backache. tremM(rWirn'oa' at slightest mental etHtement or physical exertion, cold iiSijJefUJI extremities, uncalled-for worry or fear, lack of energy- ,e v (l and "high eplrlte." . iWtJt Cadomene supplies Iron and fhoephorou. with ether JLitmwitl tonic, that build up blood and Nerve Korea- Take vatxj Mm mil them and see hoar quickly they bring a.tonlehlng bene- SVrjeffifcWfSw fit to your poor "fraiTe3" nervous syatrin. All good SS ws?Ja?' dniggtatw sell them. Ask for Cadomene tablets. .1 Safe TftUA infants invalids . ASK FOR ; mmtV ,HViixlwel, uiSubititutea rwlnsutalnvalldsaadatawlnc Cndri iRIchmtlk, malted (rate extract In Powder Jh Orialoal Tood-Dilak Tog AU Ax. lft C-kia-N"lJi -Dtibl ' . ' " I r' |