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Show SHU BANDS AND DELEGATES STAGEPADADESj I Westbound Caravan Will Reach Hei ght Saturday. When Nine Special Trains Will Briny Over 1000 x Member a of tho entertainment com-mttteofl com-mttteofl of Kl Kalah templo, Hlirlno, 'under tho direction 11. (. 8anford, ! general chairnmn, by handling m verul I hundred vial tin 8hrtnera toduy pre. pared themeelvea to entertain nnre than 10(H) who will rs thnniah tho 'city between mldnlRht r tonight and j midnight Haturdny nipbt"! ltras haml blared and the famlllur red fi-a appeared ap-peared on many atrrrte In the city to- , ; day with tho firnt vinltnra, romprUtng Mohammed temple, I 'fori a. Ill . reaching reach-ing tho city a hurt I y nftr 7 o'clock at tho Denver Ml Rio Urando Western depot. Womon of tho Knatern Star, under the direction of Mra. K. H. Wheelon. general chairman, aealiited tho entcr-talnnient entcr-talnnient committee of Kl K'tlah In greeting tho vlaltora and entertained their ladlea during tho morning and thia afternoon until time of departure for Kan Francisco. Mohammed templo waa followed hv the arrival of Al Koran nf Cleveland. O. In two apeciul trnina at the Orognn Hhort Lino depot; Al Amln of Little Hock. Ark., at the Klo Urando depot; Abdallah of Leavenworth. Knn., at the Wo Grande depot. 7n fia Zig temple of De Molnea, In., acheduled to reach tho city thia mfcrnkig, did not arrive (Continued on page I.) (Conilnuf J frxmi p.(t l. until this afternoon ot the Ornon Short IJno rit'pot. SVra fmpl of ! Torrn Huute, lnd.. nrrlveil at 2 30 'o'clock at th Kto ;rand dpot. MANY PAHADES STAGED. ! Imnifdlitlt'ly upon urrtval rch v I 1 1 -i ri k il'h ttioii (li'trnmi'tl It Imml and puirol t.i-.t, mid with th-f hiidltiK I u pro piloted to th a llotol I 'tah by iiifinh1! a v tlo local r'rcptlun com- ' mltif. ; Muny of th vlnltorn took advanlKi , of the plrQuuro trips nhout the lty ' arrariKtal hy iho transport at Ion coni-niittfo coni-niittfo of i:i Kahla. 1 uhhciik'T aulo-imd)il. aulo-imd)il. onfil th vl!iilnK nohh-a to all pt.miN of intr'!Ht iihtnit th city. Throo orKHii ri'dtam wero glvn at ! th TalaTiiuolrt for th; benefit of the vihltur. Tht Krlllrooin at the Ilotl I'tah wai n-cervid for fcihrlntrs and their htdh'H. WACO PARTY LEAVES. Kipling a t wont y -four hour utay In the il , Ivu i'lll li'Tllple of Wiiro, TK , depart ft! it 1 1 o'cI-h k thin ;tf tfrnoon. I ratiHiiiK m ar'y an nmch Ji( ltmt'nt an thy rrcntrd up ii thlr airial in th I I'liy Thursday inorntnic. The h'-avlot nidVPiiunt In on day 1 nine thn Shrinrn ti:ii jtassInK fthrntiRh th city t th npproarhltin lm 1 pi-rial council at San FranrUco will Of-1 Of-1 rur tomitriuw. Nine h pedal triilnn will j pa ms through Iho city and uhnut ;t I many thnuKh tt;l'-n. which will not I rc.M-h Salt l.tik'. r'ollowuiK In the hat ; of pt . :a!f pi'htMltilfd for tomorrow: Mirza toiiiph' of rittHtuirK. Kan., np-1 np-1 rial Irani duo tivi r th iM-nvrr A: RlO I tiraiHlo Wfstorn at 7.30 a. rn. Aad it-inpl rif Imluth. Mum., dpeclal train dtif ovr thn I-nviT &. Hio I Grande Wcntern at 7 : f5 a. in. I Itedouin tfinple of MiiHkoftee, Okla., ( ipveial train ilu ovr the Oenver Kin Grand" Western nt 8 a. m. Kl Kuril hah temp!; of Shreveport. j Ia t ).' I al train duo over Oregon I Short Jam- iit 8:30 . m. 11 t niplo of Salina, Knn., pec lot I train dim over I-iivcr & j.0 Grande ! WM rn .it a, in. Itoiini tomplo of Kaltitnore, pperfjt) ; tram tine n r IH'iimt A: Km Grande ! Western ;it to a. m. j India, temple of Oklahoma City, spe-! spe-! chtl train due nvi r llcnv r Ai Itlo Grand Western at 10: 15 u. in. Kl Hi id temple ,,f Sioux I 'alls, S. IX, 'special t ram due over Iwn ver &. Hio : Grande Western nt in. 30 n. ni. j Na.iu temple of I Had woo. I, P., pe-j pe-j rial truin dio over 1 tivr-r Ar Hio Gran.lo Western Saturday In time to , depart over Westi rn I'aclflc at J p. m. (Time of arrival not given. VA Kalah tempi will leave In a. pe- cial train totuorrow at it p. in. |