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Show AND Hear Thi One "Stumbling" j On tha rmvrf I Who Tied the Can on the 1 Old Dog' Tail I T) of th laiaat foxtrot h tt. I Auerbach((. PnONOGSAPH DEPT I (USD MANAbtMIMT 0 y I SPECIAL (j Good Royal Pound, ! H Cake B Weight 20 o.s. J B Regular 6oc j I SATURDAY ONLY Let us make cakes I J and special irder tor your parties. h M e ia, 5 Saturday 5 S Specials, j Hosiery Specials Pw ',s.' 2 "-K HOII, WITH LACI CLOCK lUnd-llrmwn rlcki; Ulan Ur V Ay 5 K Unit ifMM rid all -over Ur !k Hlark, Jtiuwlan Mrtovtit wf fc. f P" (lNH liU. iir I B OLOVI ILK MOSE In. tu.ll.i 1h. popular rhlffon na. A variety I ! 0 f.f fi.iw , lrMy Mllrii. All tha WHlitad ahjuUa. 2 QJ L '""agJw fl M llu',ar talura. Hiwlal, pair jt J7 M 2 PURe THREAD tILK HOSE Kaahl.iHa l main kail; ml MQ ZX H u:au fan.y rfla. Itr.iliir II. 7S valura. Hivrlal. pair ! xSf. n m "5E1FAX" BILK HOSE ww h!nminl )u r- WOMIN'I SPORT HOtK ITIlk M Uala, wtlla rOp. W n.. ii-.l. All r..t .1.4 winmw aur. Tki. u h 'tr tluXn. Crtor an fawn. ray. parlwlnkla 15 U our lr.W In full - faahliNiM (Ilk knaa I )B ...h II... U. and foo,. ,r p 1'85 - U . $1.53 5 L, Hl-clal. pair ,,,V" 2 H WOMIN'I SPORT HOII-MrrrvrtiaA till. In m- ' ' H .Hum rib. llh rib or fmi.'V drv.p rlt.-h rib. u In BILK AND LIBLI BPONT MOB t Two-tona rff, S h " Valuaa lo 11. ti. t(. h hand-rmDroldtrvi elorka. Vary amart. C9 6S w Kprriai. ilr " R.Tilar $1 II aluaa. Bpactol. pair ' " M M ' . st 3 V W Underwear Specials h 5 villi d m H ft For Saturday we offer one bl lot of silk undergarments g B !; Aajv ' and negligee, conslstinf of odd lots which we desire to bj 5 ' fA iV C'0?e Ut' Asor,m,n' ,nc,u,es l!iove silk tep-lns, W AfrV "JOv I chemises, union suits and envelope chemises. Regular S nlxnW JS.60 to JS65. oo values. Very special tt M fl VJlH l ilfl HALF PRICE S $1.50 Hostery 5 Glove Special Specials m H ' CKILDRIN'B PANCV HOBIRV-oeks and thraa-quartar ( M lanrh h(wa, whtta with faacr tops, A law dark colors with J" CHAMOISETTE r ANCY fancy topa. lUsular I bo valuaa. g PAIRS I (MJ 5 GAUNTLETS AND LONQ 0,l 9 ro tM H " GL0VS VuliiPS to $3.25; CHILDPIN B BILK HOB! Ona-half, Uiraa-quarlar and full H 2 also Ioiik Bilk Kl-vfB, val.lf-8 to "T"1- ''" J1 t. II.H. I. wall, and 0R. H K rolora. Pair iw u H $"J.'i0. All at one price for two I! .lavs- special (( CA "OVS- MSAVV RIS.IO TRIPLt-KNtl STOCK.NOS-BlMk. M H '"Vs hP',a'. OLOU bron and whlta. VaJuaa to Ho. . ; PAIRS Ail kaf pair wm 8iiai at ron 91KU H . 5 v. . j j tftf 18 East Broadway BMII IMIIIIHIHMMIHIIHHIRMIIII IMM DU P1GGL.Y WIGGLYj Whaft's Irs a Carrie? One day, about fivs years go, the Amer- The name PIGGLY WIGGLY wa chosen lean public saw an unusual combination of two for the purpose of attracting attention to a I words staring at then) from the paites of their new merchandising idea; a commonplace name I magazines and newspapers. These words would have passed by unnoticed. I were "PIGGLY WIGGLY." ' The merchandiimg idea behind PIGGLY 0 Men and women boys and girls WIGGLY has already saved the American B thought it was a new game. They awaited Housewife millions of dollars. It has estab- B the story which everybody knew would fol- liihod fair and honest values on foor produci. U low. -When they say that PIGGLY WIGGLY So the name which seemed so funny in the 3 was the name adopted for a new kind of beginning has become a priceless asset. Over R grocery store some of them wondered, some 800 PIGGLY WIGGLY stores are in opera- I of them smiled; but the name stuck in their tion; before cold weather comes there will be' G minds. 1000 PIGGLY WIGGLY stores in operation. I CANNED MILK TOILET SOAPS SALAD DRESSING I i bin's till 9 .. PrvmL-r, huf,c 38 J Armou fijM PalmOS, Yacht :iub, 20.1Z 65 Borden's, tall 9t f St u ,";'z 3f V Borden's, small 4 li I Yacht (.lub. t',-o 15e , I'otlvanna, tall St Ki,k OIivi. ...6, ,An fml meium-- I i,n; ,v, .mill At KiivL " i1 Mrs. K.inda s, H-dZ.... 35 j 1 'H.. "ii.i snail .ae K fc. I.emon Soap 7e ,AMS . PRESERVES 1 I Borden's La-le 20C , R;. 8e JAM5 and hKLStKVta i B -'''P ' w :, I'auls, Ifi-o. glass, except- 0 CANNED MEAT llard-vater Castile 8c Hasnlvrry and Straw- ! S Beef I.oaf, No. J 8 l iteW.oy 7e y-,ry 22 C 3 9 Corned licet. No. 1 24t ha'r-v. 7 Paul's " Individual (.lass. . .9 jj E Koast Beef, No. I 20 LAUNDRY SOAPS u-7 Prune and Apple, J H Koast iect. No. 2 34 Kirk'; White 4Vtt iS-oz. glass" 18c ', 1 Roast Mutton, N . 1 15e ("rvstal White 4. phez l.ocanherrv and Apple. i I llaniluuer Steak, No. y, .St '' " Naptlia St 2 R!ass 28c , I Vienna S.iusa-c, No. I...15c A. B. N.-.ptha St Phcz Jam, cans 9 1 Dried Beef, tins. 2' .-oz. .10c Suitt's White 4e Mt. Made Str.iv. hcrrv, t ?t;.-oz. 12ViC 7-oz. 20c Iv.'T.v, small IVtt No. 2 can 42e ij y Pics' Feet pint .class. . . .20c Ivorv, large 126 Siins'veet Jam, Apricot. j 5 1 unrh Toiicue, No. '....lSei Woo!, small 7 H'J-oz. class 12V- j I Corned Beef Hash, No. .St I Kirk'.; WhUe Naptha Soap, Fruit Butter, No. i can. . .It B I Corned Beef Hash. No. 1 .15c . , 4i Skinner's POTTED MEAT E i Sand.vich Spread, No. 'i.10 ' hls IS -P'endid bargain in N ,; ,;lr,c ..M 5c B 1 CANNED PEAS 'TllLTJ, KT5S E Yacht Club l-ixtra Sifted. 256 ,. , , CLEANSERS "tnl , ' B Cold Gem Fancy Sweet. 20 Lighthouse ...6 Wsm Pints ...5 Interstate June 10c Ma pints 12 Z Mr,J n ' 1 .a,,r-rx w.r-c Old )lltC 1 9 JSjjM Quarts . 48 , E CANNED TOMATOES ,,ex , v, 12 t E Sprinjrville. No. 2JI. ..12V Wed Seal I.ve.e 13 .ft f""": i;.c:li 95 1 Pierce's, No. 2 ' 12'5 I S.iponitier l.ve 12 eVjf rS " ' 5 I J. S. 13 Fancy Hand Packed I C.ild !).! large 20 TTrv R. ark- Fir rfE No. 3 extra large cans. 15 Star Naptha, large 23 ,, "ANCJ-BLAC.1; F,G5-0 l BAKING POWDER Sea Foam, large 25 -'" 2 39t S .. 1 Sopude, large 33 CEREALS ij I li-Nw Kinso, small 7 Shredded W lieat 10 1 Royal, 12-oz., Hinso, laree- 23c Kellngg's Corn Flakes g if5yJ 43 ' Small . .9 Large ..15 2 liZAM Small ..0-I.arge ..15 ! U'VJ Rf.va!. 2Mb., ;223S5fc,:J 3-lb. ..45 Sunripe Oats, large 25 51-33 'iSMlTl . ,1 Kellogg 's Bran 20 W1 vK3jra;T.1 AAV '88 Swanvdown Bian 17 ClnTrTvoz 28 kffSgM 8-!b.. 31.58 Orapenuls 17 (Vul'lel' --'b "".'."lit ROASTED COFFEE 1 Calumet, 5-ic 981 FRUIT JAR CAPS v'oervo. lb. 28 CANNED SALMON j ; ; . j ySi 1 Mapie Lcui, N . V, 28 1 ' : I un.-ta. b 34 Maple Leaf, No. i.i.... 33! DEL MONTE RAISINS .iPta:.'.s, !b 36 1 ibbv's Chinook, No. 1..24l Seeded and Seedles,, j '-Your Luck," lb 3Se K'o-edale, N.i. 1 tail 18c i I'-oz 17 Go'd.-n West, lb 40 R-..-edj'e Nj. ", flat 12! SUN MAID RAISINS' I Blue Pine, 'b 42c (ink, No. I t;:i: 12i I Seeded and Se:dlesi, : C.ulden date, ib ;.44 I I Vi-inius, V-.. -. 22 ! 15-oz. ., 22 Mill's rted Can. --''' 85 I J "SERVE YOURSELF AND SAVE" j 1 21 West 1st South. Community Market. 1055 East 2 1st South. To Wear Thin Wai'tU or Sleevelcftt Dresiet (Itcsuty Topics) With ths ahl nf a il. 'Intone pasts, It Is nn snsy matter for any woman to remov fvry tr.ice of hair or fuasi f 'hi fare, .neck mid arms. Knoujrh of tha powdered dohttune HtnJ water is ii. ..! jMn a thick pdsts ami pr-:.d on t he hslry surfiiCH f(r it hoi it 2 minutes, t hen rnhbed off and thit skin is washed. This com-i com-i pletely reriMivvs the hnlr, but to avoid disiippointmenl. net the dch- t-n tn an original put-katca nd mix fresh. I Adv.) I ip-fc l! II y!5v"othin4 j' f"11 ' " benefits like ' ; 'OLD MONK j OLIVE OIL ; "From Perfect Olives j First Pressing of choicest j olives from the I famous frfoves , , llllllllli........ramiuTiJ Opcraiion Kof Successful j "SI''H t its jil-o I Has npei;.;,,l for a ppfli'l ici i in itrid laier operated u.;.t:ii t'T aU hIoihh. Nei:h"r ilid ! im any K"od mi l I suffered ujI j I !;iN or to---are ' s,n.-e. KU'e years a i;.) I ' 'ink .M .yr s VYrnderfni lem -i ly ari I na'e fi ll nn syinptoms or ;.a n in' . AH stomach sufferers .Jiuui.l 'lake t " It I" a simple, hurtn- Ii iH pi a la Hun that removes Die i'ii tii i eh-' I mn. us from the Intestinal tine- and sllnys thtj In fin m mat (on . which i an sen practically all stom -' ;i -h, 1U er and In fetal na I nilinonts. ' I iiclti din u uppen'licii i. (me done will ! ronvlii' s or inoiii-y refunded, j S'-hntmrn-Johnson, UruKa, flva ood j siuics. (Adv.) |