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Show CLUB PROTESTS TO RIM HEADS' ! - 4 i Seeks Excursion Rates Over I Different Roads Going I and Coming Action wn taken yesterday hy the board of jo vp r nor of the Commercial club to protent Hfralnft the failure of the Tnion ractfte nd Southern Pacific Pa-cific railroad to grant summer e- I cttrMon rate to Pacific count point. I under which travelers couM go on on line and return over another. The hoard' action takes the form of a letter addressed to Presidents t'srl R. Oray of the I'nlon Pacific and William Hproul of the Horn hern clfic. Similar action wan taken recently re-cently hy the local Rotary club and the two letter of proteat will K" forward for-ward under the signatures of Presl-dent Presl-dent K. Hchramm of the Commercial Commer-cial cluh and President A. C. Wherry of the Hotary rluh. The protects de-rlnre de-rlnre that the present excursion mtes under which passengers are compelled to travel to and from the coast on ihe name line la disadvantageous to both Halt I -eke and the railroad. Following- fa a copy of the letter Kent out hy the Commercial cluh: The undersigned. representing the Rait Iike CommerctHl cluh and c-harn-t.er of commerce. elo the Ktrv cluh of Knit I sake, rrently deplore the fart flint no excurnfon rate from here to I -a Angeles and return via S,tn l-nn- ! etneo all rail hue been established com- I parable with other rates to thee clttea, but returning only via the going route. "We think thla condlt.on will react I to the disadvantage of railroad con- j cerned as well aa that of Salt Lake I Citv and It citizen. 'We jirg hat w2jJrJ,jj1, ! may he responsible for this condition 1 be adjudlcnted promptly. Huch action on vour part wo believe will redound j in the standlna- of your compajiy In I this community." |