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Show 'ADAM AND EVP IN NORTHERN WOODS TAKEN BY WARDEN, HOULTOV. M. Jun . Carl A. Putter and his wife, who u th "mod-jern "mod-jern Adam and Kw" hava ban living I tha almpla Ufa In tha wooda of north, em Maine for aotne weeka, were ar-roatrd ar-roatrd by ama wardena jreaterday, .charged with violating tha stata gam I laws. According to tha wardana, Hul-tor Hul-tor and his wife klllrd deer and partridge part-ridge In the closed season. They will be arraigned la municipal court here tomorrow. "Adam and Bve" undertook to apend six weeks In the wilds without civilised civil-ised clothing, weapons or utensils. They claimed to have killed a deer la pitfall trap set by "Adam." |