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Show Prison Inmates Attend Services For Laus Slayer Last Rites Over Body of Con-victad Con-victad Murderer Reld Near Spot Where Rifles Carried Car-ried Out Execution Within a short distance from where he ffiti' put to death this morning, Nick Oblizalo't body . lay In the prison chAiI thla afternoon while funeral services for the slayer wer hold. In the absence of a minis tor. Warden Jarm-a LVvine took charge of tho last rltee for the slayer, th second to die at the lnw'a hands fur (the murdtr of Marco Laus. The services were attended by all the prisoners with the exception nf Oeorge H. (Jnrdner, slayer of Uefnty 1 Hherlff Gordon Htuart. and John i Cerar, slayer of Leo Musser. Iloth then men are under sentence of death. Warden Devlne. In an Impreelv appil to th prison era, urged them , to Inke a lesson from th life of 1 Ohlisalo and attempted to con vine them that "murder will out and that crime does not pay. Mima Lucille Collett was the soloist and was accompanied on th piano by ' Miss Anna lramlpr. Miss Collett aons: "I Think When I Read That Sweet Story of Old" and "Nearer, My Ood, to The,' th audience being visibly Impressed with the renditions. Four trusties acted aa 'pallbearers. The casket, bearing several floral tribute, was taken to th prison cemetery, where W. TV. Lunt, super lntendent of th prison farm, dedicated dedi-cated th grave. |