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Show the Akssaka palace, dropped . thatr loads of Imperial furniture and refused to work any more at the Akasmka Im--perlal pa lac unless they gut mor pay. Tha "otdtlmera here simply fa aped and could s)s,rrey belisvo when they henrd the story. "It Is an astound In st revelation of new spirit by a Haas which haa her, to fore had no spirit at all, a for eiicn observer of pn donned experience seld. "No one ran predict what a de-vlopmeiit de-vlopmeiit v that spirit may bring forth COOLIES BECOMING MORE INDEPENDENT I TOKM), .Time 'i (Tv 1' P - f'oollrs i vh. i p..i el t ht Akan.ik i palace fur ; . .reuiHi y l-y the pi nice nf Wales n 'his i-ifil ihlt here wM.t on it ntrik for h!vh r wi!K'. ' Tl ll. s of aiMe, w. r- kicked out, MimriiuriU, th' ir j..1h filled hy i i -t h . r ii 1 1 ilio work ri'i.t liiiied with-I with-I out h.f ' h. The .nculetit, however. ( vastly st-1 st-1 nifie.int IcilH alive i,f the astonifhlntt i loiiiKe that i.ax ( I'nried !n- Jap.ille itr Kill within 'hi- Lift yeir m two; 'of t he t 1 1 in lid'MiH lllfieane In Inde-1 Inde-1 p. im l nf ,r t - i j ,. which in vomlntf to t he 1 i I'-'.l "iM-.M-r llse, Many oh-. ihtm-ih ihtnk this movement may r-i-i i:i ,il hoch npfii a va ! , and pel h ipn V. nl. spread V lup'lice. (Collet Hie iiiiSkill'Ml workmen f P w' social sen le. Taey iiin the mob, i the muni, the "ifrt-ut unwashed" Their, , Inherit an. e has t"en a t-,;uhinK of I lillnd imiil;i 'h i- to : ny nnd all authority. author-ity. Two fiernt ions iiko, their hesdH , w?r (hi pped off If they ven looked ' Ilk. the i hoiiiht of iLkoIh dlenre. JapuncHe livditlon te.i' hei them, as I It doH ull .Japanese, thHt the empe-; empe-; ror Ts divinely descended. Their re- liKlon and their loyalty to their ruler are Intfitwined. Anything connected whh the Imperial houst Is lit Us less ' th'" nacred. j And yet, such coolies, carry In r fur- clturs of tha Imperial house bold to |