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Show AUTOMOBILES INJURE THREE CHILDREN Wayne Bywater, S years of age, son of Mrk und Mrs. E. W, nywaler, 711' West First North street, walked behind an automobile just aa It was reversed last night and was knocked down and bruised, Hut not seriously Injured. Lyle Burton, S years of age, 608 East Seventh Sev-enth South street, ran against an automobile auto-mobile and wns bruised and slightly cut on the head. John Anderson. 60 years of age. 1693 South West Temple street, received a glancing blow from a hammer nn the forehead and waa treated for the Injury at the emergency hospital. Sylvester Pfetffer, 14 years of age, waa atruck by an automobile on Main street and suffered bruises and lacerations. lacera-tions. The police did not learn tho name ot tho driver. |