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Show French Models Let Body Paint Soften Nature PARIS, June I (By V. PI The early bird In Parla today wltneeard i the ever amailng apectacle of the! breaking up of tha famoua ljuat'i Arta ! ball. ' Hundreda of atudenta. Including beautiful nymi'ha from the Quarter Ijitln, clad only In tha remnanta of ; flhny coetumea which began near j nothing and were ehredded In the rev-elry rev-elry of the ball, filled every paealng fiacre and taxi. Beautiful bodlea atalned rainbow We. thla year-a fantaele. were draped even over the tope of the caba of grinning chauffeura. Borne of the more enduring of the youthe and maldena atlll danced wearily through the hollow ringing atreeta. There ara mora hangovera In Parla-today Parla-today than alnca tha day after tha artnlatlce. ... Two thouaand art atudenta. Including Includ-ing a number of Americana, conaumed alx truckloada of champagne during the pri'greaa of the ball. The parly waa tha moat eeneatlonal within memory. Scanty coatumee of former yeara were exceeded In rinrlng laat night. Many of the younger glrla were literally clad In nothing but gaudy paint before the night waa old. The average weight of tha ladlee' coa. turnea wna eleven ouncee. The night of the hall waa one of tha hot I ret of a hot aummer. and thla fact Induced many who needed Incentive to get aa rloea to nature aa poaeibla. Luna park, where the ball waa ataged. gave the appearance of a marveloua Kaetern harem, with the aulton away at war. No one waa admitted unleaa lightly clothed after the faahlon of ' frequentera of tha bank of tha an . . Karly In the evening avenuee leading ' to Luna park were thronged with ! paurdo Hlndua. dancing glrla, naboa, fnklra and alavea, eome with apeara. Ibut ao little lae that atren hardened I'arla cope telephoned to the prefecture for the lateet lawa on public gwlmmtng ao far from tha water. |