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Show TRIMS 0i' , PROMOTIONS CH, - Changes in Reg;m. Headquarters Noted a Camp Kearny. BATTERYMEN Intensive Training for j tie Front Now in Full Swing. By FXOYD A. TlMMZEyjup Staff Correspondeiit. CAMP KZARXT, April 2. v -the keynote of the Utah car--""". Efc-pcrciai:y v.-as this so in repirr.er- quarttrs, v.-here transfers of .i" ordered and orders for pro.w-"t ! pared. As a result of ihe ger.-i T,' 1 up, headquarters company tC-j T.1 practical. y a new organization. 1 men were transferred to duty '! 'retteries of the command, in -1 leave places open for specialists, j badly needed in the headquane-; V.'hiie the paper work was b:-z l I in r-rg: mental headquarters, tb."i 1 men piunged into their grai.:n.e. which now orer.s ea-'h morning anJ which is becorr--?"-ar.d more intensive. V.'ith riflr ir"t-bon.b ir"t-bon.b work, special deiaKs, 'tt'I?' I inr, r.iour.tcd jrlil, gas rr.5.k radio instruction and scores o-duties, o-duties, the Ut&h boys te-i- -through strenuous periods. T.-.- -r.o iin.e for anything but work. The ord.T making the trar.?fr sued liurir.g the afternoon, et.q , iur.e :h-re are many men 1r.0r.-f-" ; cots a:ia pe.s-jr.?J eu.uipment to ti-" quarters. The foiiowir.g enlisted -h ! lieadquarters company were traip--j to units as folljvrs: Transfers Are Ordered. I To A Lottery Corporal TaV;.-.- j , 1 beriain. Private M'llham -r- j To B battery Corporal a it-en : I V. Dewey and Gien S. Katch. ' I To D battery- Corporal ; Ridges. Corporal Lesiie Cc-c;r. -- vates Wiliiam Harding, Rct-ert Z.' I n-nt and Laurence Ciir.e. ; To K batterv Privates Fra-i T-L Jchn P. Johnson, Wiiliam Kr 1 Ellsworth J. Peebles. ! To F battery Privates Ph:".:t E;-! E;-! Darwin Taylor, Grant J. E:i;;i . j Lc'U's Kardy. K-'adQuariers company re-:eiTi owing ni'-n, who w-.il now be pern:.r j part of the unit and given s;-e-:il t. j They were transferred with gr; ! celow: i From A battery Corporal r-e--Webb and Privates Wallace Z: H: ' Frank Gar rod. Ezra P. Richarci : E. Fra-nk. Hans F. L&nge. ?::":er; " Deming. Charles H. Alexanier 11: ! B. Thompson. I From B battery Privates T"--. Hick-ns. Earl Chadwiok. Charles D ' Art.11 Chili?, Earl Paf.ersen. Riyi1-1 Riyi1-1 Jackson, Arthur Groot, Roten Ean? '. j From C battery Corporal Alfcrjo I and Privates Raphael Mur.cz. Arth" J Cutler. Lester W. Dunn, Xeph: L. f j 1 son. Lester Hubbard, Harc-ld 4 I Cromwell Ormsby and Alton C"s:s j From D b a : t e ry C c r pc ral C- re ; I Todd. Corr-oral Lyle P. J-i:. ?r- I Kenneth Treseder. Ralrb ii. i Leonel Osborn, George L T.'K::r man F. Ensign, and Rait h A. A-U:-: From E battery Corporal Friii I f r.tv. Private? Murray Cowley. ! Ocelthorpe. Marceilus EXs, V."lu:-; j Swer.son. Julius Joh.ar.soD. F I Jan-.es D. NV.strup. James H. NtU:: From F battery Corporal La:.: I 1 ! calf. Privates Jay "1. 1:7:07, Ci:: I Heastcn. Orson Brady, Am:'.: C h 1 dall. David W. Smith. Charles L z ley. lister Taylor ar.d Albert E. From the supply company, tr.vi:-, tr.vi:-, nier Fuller was transferred to the : : quarters company, ar.d Frnet M : ! of A battery and Aj:c", E Vriri: 1 battery were transferred to the f. ' company. Promotions .nnouneed. Following the shakeup. hfi-:.-' company announced the pronto;::": poral John A. Fiickensitrter ;o k.: and Privates Jesse X. X.x ?n: : I Hurley. J.iy Y. Linton ar.d Karhjr to corporals. The men received tit-' ' niof.ons but a few moments after t ; ire to their new command. Privates Harold Ambler sr.: : j Tli.'mps n were promoted t: . or.ets. Private Pl-.ilip E tc:-:: . ard Private Luman F. Er:m :: j dler. Several men were a-scf." as privatts 01 t lie first 'lass. ; "riv;ites Walter purcette. C'y:-' C- Fs-a F- Richards. Charles E. P- Frank Garrwl. Maurice S. id-way. sen of F:: 1 and name warden, was tvv.ay I to mess serceant and plaoed ir : 1 of the senior officers' mess. He?'"" 1 Serjeant tsirmel Welch, w? ; 1 !:ar-:ed ,vc-ter iav ard left for ? ' I Car t.vl ri Prod Kan-.merr. r. of ylv ,-omr.viv co-r.p'eted. t? ' s'irv'tv e -rp-.ort 10 Crta:r. V y 1 Km.c ar.d left f' s after? to rormanont drtv t te l'..th f t ! Ti e crd-r f m 'us traisfer ci"? f. : rc. but te ir.t.Tvenrc tm e ; ess-irA- to check over the hv.iC s" J ; Arrange, for Hike. ! Arra-ccn-.rr.ts are now beh.i r ; Ma -or W. P. K-.mss 0: tvo Se ta'-on for tho b:c V:ke raaro::; :-d D Kit ior-.es Tlr.rdav s:,-l-.stoad of n.o;rc t1 t-e sst"c -vom-ui bv t :e First K-tt.iJ ' 'a'.'r Knr.iss a s oramicd ;. irari-h iind wi'.l i i ayo : .-y . u's- m.ikir.c i;t;v;' dirh-.c ' abort twc'.vo m.ilos f-vri :1c c.v-' Patt'o vmvo:;ts '.' Ve "' . drfovs tocrn a'l n'"i''- Wiii'p-'s ir.Mrvt'on wo'' " ; ' mm; p-;,-!i ;v.lrrvon of : "' ' '" t;;v :vd )v.Vo P.iH K'-"-V ' 1 rta;t i ,io toon r v' ' drtv ;l t'-r (H-rr r:i.!.;c sbit-'" . ,ri .--.wa'.us v 'u. h l'"fv ' . !-'- ..(-,. tlu- ra ;-c r-t-n are 00 ; ir.vuos f:.-:'' r.'.r'.s :is i-oco'i ;vd ' ruvv .a' v o-:t to s.-.i Prrx :llO ;"v ! N'h'o-'-i Ms" ovo--o-o.- o-t p-'xa!.- P:-tt '--s a o- 01 o t'-o - wo ii-C u' - s as T" 1 -o t' o :1 '-.-i '.; s .s -r r. r.v r t'-ox- v '-I dh Co -'v .. , r,,v!'t --s iM i'-o 0 '0 x -v 10 -r-;t .1 ir-.-.l t''.- ': to.r-o"t v:--n 1 ; o rr ' v for o ' ' v P. '. ' '. :.' I 11' '- " |