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Show ISM IK Rotarians Hear Earnest Plea to Deal With Enemies En-emies of United States. MONTHLY LUNCHEON Members Plan to Attend Orpheum Theater Friday Fri-day Night in Body. That the people of the United States must awaken to the fact that they are really at war, that they have got to rout out the German spies operating here and shoot a few of them, was the declaration declara-tion last night of E. l Mathewson in an address before the monthly dinner of the Salt Lake Rotary club at the .Hotel Utah. ' 7r. Mathewson, who was formerly in jJcharge of the smelter work at Tooele, T7 bnt recently has been in charge of the " construction work of the great nickel smelters at Toronto, Ont., financed by the British government, was most ear-1 ear-1 nest in his pica that the people of this country be up and doing to quash the in- 1. sidious German spy operations in this country. "We don't realize that we are at war," said he. "We can't see the visible evidences evi-dences of it here in the west so plainly, bnt wo must awaken and see it. We must get busy and rout out the German l! spies wherever they are. We have got to shoot a few of them. The trouble is , we are too lenient and treat them too 1 good. If an American attempted to do one tithe of the things that German spies and propagandists are doing in this country they would be shot without ceremony. Minute Men Needed. "There are minute men needed ip every ev-ery city of this country to ferret out these spies and propagandists. They should be organized in every city and should be diligent in their work. The c1 spies must be disclosed and they must be put in some safe place. The only safe place I know of for them Is Under the ground." Mr, Mathewson's address was received : with great applause. He told something of what Canada is doing to help win the war and how the Rotary club of Toronto, : of which he is a member, was aiding in raising funds and helping to further the war garden work In the city. He told how the totally incapacitated soldiers -:: sent back from France are being re-: re-: educated and fitted to do some sort of work to aid in supporting themselves and relieving the burden upon the country. He said, however, that only about 10 per :; cent of the men sent back are totally incapacitated. , Mr. Mathewson declared that with the American army and the Canadian army fighting shoulder to shoulder the Ger- i ,.: roa would not break through the line, Xa3 sure. i , Liberty Loan Work. A mostintersttng talk was made to the 'aSJ V clnl:i by dressy, one of the original y eight four-minute men sent "out in the LW;erty loan campaign. Mr. Cressy had li tTrked but a few moments when it was apparent to every one why he had been 1 selected as one of the eight men to talk the sale of Liberty bonds. Mr. Cressy is bubbling over with humor; he has an unlimited supply of original humorous verse at his command to illustrate his points, and for a half hour last night he held the members of the Rotary club in rapt attention. The speaker told some- : thing of the work of a four-minute man . in selling Liberty bonds; something of , 1 the great work the theatrical profession, to which he belongs, has done and is doing to help win the war, and then : pulled aside the curtain of concealment and laid bare some of the unprintable j atrocities eorn'mttted by the Germans, as revealed in official documents bearing the attestation of the French government, govern-ment, copies of which he had seen. The I atrocious crimes of the German soldiers, ! committed under orders of their superiors, j which he described are too vile to even be hinted at in print. He told how a captured order showed. " that the soldiers were under instructions , from the kaiser to kill and maim women and children as the best means of weakening weak-ening the resistance of their men enemies, ene-mies, t He described, also, metal tags found I" on soldiers who were committing the , most unspeakable crimes bearing the in-scrlptlon. in-scrlptlon. ' "I, your kaiser, will appear ;J before god on judgment day and assume fl" responsibility for whatever you do under : the orders of your officers." 4 Will Attend Theater. el Mr. Cressv remarked that the kaiser may have that sort of standing in the -i eyes of the German god, but he didn't think he stood quite so well with the God of this country and the rest of the civilized civil-ized world. r Following 'the address last night the jl Rotary club decided to attend the Orpheum Or-pheum in a body Friday night to see Mr. Oressy's act. Arrangements were made with Manager Levy of the theater for the necessary- tickets, which may be pro-"'Mh pro-"'Mh cured by the members of the club after S. 10 o'clock this morning from Frank L. x-arclner at the Gardner Adams store. Lls expected that about 200 members of ! iV club and their wives will attend the ' j Onheum on Friday night to greet Mr. j Cressy, who is a Rotarian himself. C The club extended an Invitation to W. W. Armstrong, state food administrator, to appear before.it next Tuesday noon and talk on food conservation. 'J The club received Inst night a hand some Alaskan polar bear skin, donated by 'J Mrs. Eliza Nelson and Miss Luella Nelson Nel-son of Park Clt to be sold for the benefit bene-fit of the Red Cross. |