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Show DELAY L W. W. TRIALS BECIUSEOF ILLNESS Government May Provide Physicians to Care for Sick Defendants. CHICAGO, April 2. A corps of physicians, phy-sicians, to maintain health among more than one hundred leaders of the Industrial In-dustrial Workers of the World, on trial for alleged violation of the espionage act, may be engaged immediately by the government to prevent further delays of the ca96 through illness, District Dis-trict Attorney C. F. Clyne announced tonight. When the way had been cleared late today for the selection of a jury, counsel coun-sel for the defense announced that adjournment ad-journment would be necessary because of the illness of Walter T. Neff of Philadelphia, secretary of branch No. 100, Marine Transport Workers of the Atlantic. Keen disappointment over delays of the last two days was expressed by counsel of both sides. "The government will make immediate immedi-ate arrangements for physicians to attend at-tend the defendants if further delays occur," Mr. Clvne declared. One hundred and fifty veniremen, summoned yesterday and ' today, were given opportunity at today 's session to present reasons why they should not serve.' More than forty of the number have been excused. Claims of exemption exemp-tion because of being engaged in agricultural agri-cultural work or other industries necessary neces-sary to the prosecution of the war were recognized by the court, and many of the prospective jurors were excused on these grounds. Witnesses for the defense already nre arriving in town, and George F. Van-dervcer, Van-dervcer, Vhief counsel for tlie defense, is confident of acquittal for all members mem-bers on trial. "With our evidencee, evidence that we have gathered from coast to coast, there en'n be but one verdict. That is acquittal," he said tonight. W. B. Cleary of Bisbee, Ariz., an attorney, who, "with several hundred Industrial Workers of the World, was deported from Bisbee during serious mining disorders last year, arrived in Chicago tonight anil announced that , he would aid the defense. He said he had received no financial retainer from the I. W. W. Anton Johannson, one of the men active ac-tive In the deiense of the Mooney bomb plot c.iso in San Kranrisco and a representative repre-sentative 01 the International Workers' Defense league, arrived In Chicago today to attend the trial. , "Oh, my job was raising money and hell." he said, in answer to a query as to his part In the aid of Mooney. "The persecution of Mooney Is simply nnother evidence of where the power In America is centered like your own I. W. W. trial. "I'm n red-hot patriot because I stand acalnst the kaiser and all other autocrats auto-crats even If they huppen to be In the industrial fle':d." |