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Show 1 TEACHERS DISMISSED AS 1TIK PIS 1 Alfred Forke and I. W. D. Hackh Are Ousted by the University of California Califor-nia Board. NAVAL OFFICERS PREFER CHARGES Both Professors German by Birth; Actions Are Inimical, Inimi-cal, Regents Say in Report. BERKELEY, Cal., April 2. Professor Alfred Forke, head of the department of oriental languages, and I. W. D. Hackh, j an assistant in chemistry, were dismissed today from the faculty of the University j ! of California by the finance committee of j the board of regents on the grounds that tho actions of Forke and Hackh "were inimical to the United S'tates government." govern-ment." According to a statement Issued from the office of Dr. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, president of the university, the men were dismissed following information against them submitted by United States naval officers. The university authorities state they were bound to strict secrecy regarding details of the charges brought by the naval officers against the two faculty members. ! Dismissal Summary. ; The following statement was given out I by the regents' committees, which or-' or-' dered the dismissals: j "At a joint meeting of the executive and finance committees of the regents ! of the University of California held to- day, Alfred Forke, Agassiz professor of oriental languages and literature and head of the department of oriental languages, lan-guages, and Mr. I. W, D. Hackh, assistant assist-ant in chemistry, were summarily dismissed dis-missed from the faculty on account of actions inimical to the United States government. "Professor Forke has been for years a professor in the University of California. He was first appointed to the faculty ! on May 12, 1914. He is a noted Chinese stmflt and has acted as adviser to the rTcse legation. - Iackh Chemistry Aid. """ ' "Mr. Hackh has been an assistant in the department of chemistry during the 'rrent half year." f v4rcord'na t0 tne university records, Professor Forke was born in Germany and was educated at the University of Berlin and at Geneva, Switzerland. He spent twelve years in the German consular con-sular service in China. He was connected con-nected with the faculty of the Oriental seminary, an educational institution in Berlin, previous to assuming his position here. Hackh was horn in Stuttgart, Germany, March 25, ISfHl, according to these records. rec-ords. He came to the University of California Cali-fornia in 1916 from the Untersekund Real gymnasium in Stuttsart, and was graduated gradu-ated in December, 1917, with the degree of bachelor of arts. He was appointed an assistant ill the chemistry department upon graduation. |