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Show NORFOLK WORKERS RETURN TO PLACES NORFOLK. Ya.. April 2. Government offirlaln said tonight that 1 he svni pathetic pa-thetic strike at annv and navy Itasca and depots around Norfolk, which followed a walkout yesterday of several thousand carpenters, was nbout ended. I'nion officials offi-cials had refused to wi net Ion the act ion of the men and mo.t of the workers were said to have returned during tne day. The fa r pent era appa rent ly st 1 11 w ere determined to prs their demanilM far an eik'lit-hour day and an increase In wutfes. Oi'hciaH, howev-4-r, were satisfied that the strike would be over wlthm lorly-eight. hours. Con tractors reported during the day that while there bad been a curtailment of building activities at the government plant s there had been no suspension of work. Plants a fTec ted u rue the new naval base on Hampton Roads, the nmiy flepot base, the ordnance, base, ,st. Jullen magazine a nd I lie navy yard. |