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Show HID WOMAN TOOK VIOL Now She is Strong and Hearty Philadelphia, Pa. "I was over-Worked, over-Worked, run down, nervous, could not eat or sleep. I felt like crying all the time. I tried different remedies without with-out benefit. The doctor said it was a wonder I was alive, and when Vinol was given me I began to improve. I have taken eight bottles and am now strong and perfectly healthy in every respect, and have gained in weight. I can not praise Vinol enough." Mrs. Sarah A. Jones, 1025 Nevada St., Philadelphia, Pa. We guarantee Vinol to make overworked,' over-worked,' weak women strong or return re-turn your money. Formula on every bottle. This is your protection. Ihl i; l'rauki;ii, Cruisls, bait 1 ;; . Women frind Clear 3km In Simple Laxative i A sense of false- modesty often prevents women from admitting that many of her ilia and disorders are due primarily to constipation. But women who know themselves have learned that headache head-ache remedies and beautifiers only cover the trouble but do not dislodge it. What is needed is a remedy to move the bowels and stir up the torpid liver. An ever-increasing number of sensible women take a small dose of a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and sold by druggists under that name. I It will save a woman from the habitual use of headache remedies, skin lotions and similar makeshifts. Once the bowels are emptied and regulated, the headache and the pimples and blotches disappear. It is the rational, natural method. j A bottle of Syrup Pepsin lasts a family a long time, and all will find use for it from time to time. Thoughtful people are never without it in the house. The dru&gist will refund your money if it fails to do as promised. j SZ)r. Caldwell's j wv, YRUP ORPSIN r . tho manufacturers of The Perfect JL Laxative g ! rrofiUartdYbao'r'S" FREE SAMPLf Dr. Caldwell' Syrup i inK the war taxoa. o Pepsin ja b largest Belling liquid laxative j a that thie family laxative In Amarict. If you have never ud it, end I may rcmaio,at the pre- yur dias for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. J 9 war price of 50c and $ I B. Caldwell. 466 Wonhinston St.. Monticello. 1 a Urce battle. So sold 111. If you have babie in the family send for fl bydruggiitafor26yeara a copy of 'The Care of the Baby." j TELLS DYSPEPTICS WIT TO EAT Avoid Indigestion, Sour 'Acid Stomach, Heartburn, Gas On Stomach, Etc. Indigestion nnd practically all forms of stomnch trouble, say medical authorities, are due nine times out of ten to an excess ex-cess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, j Chronic "acid stomach" Is exceedingly1 dangerous and sufferers should do either one of two things. Either they can go on a limited and oft on disagreeable diet, avoiding foods that disagree with them, that irritate the stomach and lead to excess acid secretion secre-tion or they can eat as they please in reason and make it a practice to counteract coun-teract the effect of the harmful acid and prevent the formation of gas. sourness or premature fermentation by the use of a little Bisurated Magnesia at their meals. 1 There Is probably no better, safer or j more reliable stomach antiacid than I Pisurated Magnesia and it is widely uscfl j for this purpose. It has no direct action I on the stomach and is not a digestent. Hut a teaspoonfu! of the powder or a couple of five-grain tablets taken in n little water with the food will neutralize the excess acidity which may be present and prevent its further formation. This removes the whole cause of the trouble and the meal digests naturally and healthfully without need of pepsin piils or artificial digestents. Get a few ounces of Bisurated Magnesia Magne-sia from any reliable rirugeist. Ask for either powder or tablets. It never comes as a liquid, milk or citrate and in the bisurated fnrm is not a laxative. Try this plan and eat what you want at your next meal and see if this isn't the bf-st advice you ever had on "what to eat'.' (Advertisement.) TODAY ' We leaoguirate Our SemraIAiHimiiuial Special Porclhase TP d5 ' ' Hundreds of t? Handsome rJjv Pi-s $2500.00 0 tW-- ii Value Trimmings fWSrV V --v tt TP- !- x ! :- IPIWIpv Sale Starts fa Five MmMmm! 8:3 This Desirable Morning Comprising Edges? Bandings, Medallions and Flomincings From the Narrow Width Edge to Wade Flomunciogs These Trimmings Are in Metal. Beaded, Silk, Opalescent Opales-cent and Jet, in a Great Selection of Handsome Designs LOT 1 Consisting of Gold and Silver Metal Edges and Bandings, Band-ings, Colored Silk and Metal Bandings and Edges. Widths ranging from 3 inches to 12 inches. Values to $2.00 65c Per Yard LOT 2 Gold and Silver Filet Metal Bandings and Edges, 6 inches wide. Colored and Gold and Silver Metal Flonncings, 18 to 36 inches wide; 20-inch Colored Silk Embroidered Filet Net Flounciiigs. Values to $3.25 $1.00 Per Yard LOT 3 A big selection of Bandings, Edges and Medallions, Beaded, Opalescent and Jet, in light and dark colorings, also black. Widths range from 1 inch to 10 inches. Values to $5.00 $1.50 Per Yard LOT 4 A beautiful lot of Beaded Bandings and Medallions in the newest colorings, also Black Beaded and Jet. 'Widths range from 1 inch to D inches. Values to $8.00 $2.00 Per Yard LOT 5 A handsome range of Beaded Bandings and Medallions and Flonncings in new colored effects, also in Black Jet Beaded. Bead-ed. Widths of Bandings, 2 inches to 5 inches. Flouncings are 27 inches Vide. Values to $10.00 $2.50 Per Yard r ' |