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Show LOCAL SECURITIES ' BY J. A. HOGLE & CO. J. A. Ho-!e & Co., 109 South Main street, furnish the following- local quotations: quota-tions: HANK STOCKS. Deseret National $ '"d.'rJ Ka rmers A: S 1 1; l- rs i J 0 . 00 First National. O g d v n 2 ',' j . 'j y MeCornh-k & Co i Z(j).)(' Merchants ; SI .00 National Rink of Republic! 240.00: 2.00 Natinal City j j 175.00 National Copper j loS.i'O Security State I 15.00 , S-I Sec A; Trust PT.CU I'tah Stntf .National 1 ' 212. O'J I'tah Savinu-s & Trust i lO'.i'O Walk or tiros ; 2;:5.mv 23 :."' 1 Zion's Savings Trust ?H . INPrSTKIAI. S-TOt'KS. , :Asked- Aniali;aniaU-d Sui:ar 1 1 2.0"t (Vuieiit Sec I lU.O'i Consolidated Wagon I j l';.5tl Home Kire bis:iiaiK-e J ; 327.'"' Independent Coal , I .'.'5 Ijon Coal ; 90. (.'0 Mt Slat.-s Tel I 100.0", 1'ui.oO (luden l'ck .S: Prov ' : Standard Co:d ; .b'S I'tnh Kiro Clav f 71.0 rtah-Idaho Sugar ! S.7 S.S5 Z. C. M. I 123. 12h. 5 people's Sucar ; $ . 25 $ . .. fri n l s I KM- 'AskTdT S j Stock K Os j I'u.Oa. $3.f0 Lion Coal m.tii. I'tah L & Lower 4s I 79. tu.. S1.00 Hah Lower - I. 5s ! Sl.n i 3.0.1 I'tah Securities I s."..0"' 6.00 , |