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Show t'NITI'l) STATlOS PISTKU'T COI'ltr I'nr Ihc (lisln. l ot I tnli - lu tin- ncii-ti'i- el l '. . Oil, I'UiiUnil'l . N'". IT'S In .:uiKniil. . -I'i'IIiIimi I'M ills. Iimi To llin Miiliornlili' 'nillicin l. .Iiillllsi'li. tudi;.' i.r l In- dlstri' l 'ni l l Hie t'nlli'il Slulr.1 fur tin- illBlri.-l 1. 1' l'l:ih: I', Y. I l I ul S.lll l.:lli'' Till. Ill Hie ruiuilv of Siill I. iilii' Mini Mali' of I'l.ill. Ill Silld illHllcl, -. Si.'. illllly l.'liK--si'iils tli.it mi tin' Itll' 'li'V i'I .Iimi'. ImmI pusl. In- whs dulv nil.uiili:'il luiiil.-rupt luiiil.-rupt iiihIit lin- lu-ls cl ci'iic.i'iss rcliiiiiu; lo l.;ilil'ruiti' ; llml In- h:is dull' ;uir-r. ;uir-r. iTi l.-i ..1 nil Ids 'i"i'. rl ami riclil'i i-f pri'li'il . nnd lins lully ciuui'lli'il wllh nil I rililil. -infill H i'I mill nets nnd id tin- nr-ili'tH nr-ili'tH of llii' i 'Mil l liMH'hlliK I'ls I'.lllU- riililci . . W'lu'l lir il:l'i lliat lie Iniiv lip ili'i'li'.'. I" III" I'lHirl In Iiiivk M full .lis chril k-c from nil ,,.,S p,-,n :,1.,. ,u;;li,, Ills i-suilc un,l,.r ,i lianK.-inu acts c. c.'UI such d.'l.ls as are ,'v,,.pltM In' law ii i'iii .such .llschal i;c. 1 lilted this Ml, day of March V p I IM S. r u ,,',",-; ... , , lailkruit. I'llcd iN'titiou l..r iliscl an:,. l irt, ",; '''" JOHN V. I'HKISTV. ' ' 'Icrk l!y William 1 lernticak. IVuly. nlll'l'll OK NUTIOK TUKKKON. IMsll Id of l t.ih. ms "li :'n,l ,lav of ,il. A ,, ,,, "" ' I'": I lie loi'l'.oiiiK petit,,,,, i "'d"''"'l ! Hi e court that a l.a,irK ', Ihe sain,. ,, ,,h f Ma . A I' IMS l,e,or,. court. ,, Salt Pake I, v. ,, , o eloel, In the f or, . . ,,,, ,,,',, I her, -of l-o pul'lished in The Salt l-?'' 'ri'ihlllie. a newspaper pnntrtl ill mi J '" ' triet. and that .'ill Known ere, liters other persons in inteust ma h r I'e.i r ! the said tune and place and shew c.l'.'-M' if any tltey hae, win' the pnyer ci Ji;a petitioner should not I'e t'-i'iled And it is further ordered l' IK v that the clerk shad seel Ly mail to J know n creditors copies of said pence i ami this older, addressed to II" " sl thelv places of residence as staled Wltnesj the 1 louoi a hie Til:r'l JohiisoH. iu.le.e ol Ihe said disln.t c.'.i'f. and the seai thereof, at Salt 1 ik i' In -aid iliMiict, on Ihe fM.I .Im ot Vl" . I ISIS Attest . JOHN . OtIKlSl'V ,Seal of Ooitrll t ll William llol iil'e.ik. l'el'lll) fi'i-s, h" |