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Show SILT LIKE WILL BE LIVESTOCK CENTER, Manderfield Foresees Great Future for Industry in This Section. That Salt Lake City is the coming livestock live-stock center of the interrnountain west is the opinion expressed yesterday by Joseph H. Manderfield, general manager of the S'-alt Lake Stock Yard company. Remarking upon t lie historical development develop-ment of livestock centers throughout the country, Mr. Manderfield declared that It was the rule In the case of practically every one of Ihem that not until the introduction in-troduction of a big packing house did , th?se centers become flourishing. j ThiH has been the history of the mar- J kets in Omaha, Sioux City, St.. Joseph, ! Fort Worth and Denver. I The local support of a single community communi-ty alone has never been sufficient to '. build up a large and prosperous livestock market. The big pneker already has established a wide market and his ability to distribute dis-tribute and dispose of the products of the local market is far superior to that of the local packing plant working unaided. un-aided. This Is the reason that Salt Lake has now reached a turning point in its career ca-reer as a livestock center, with tiie in-. in-. trod vict ion here of the Cudahy Tacking company, whi-'h will take over and op- i i erate the Interrnountain packing olant March 1. ! Already the co-one rat ion of the Los Aneeles and San Francisco pa ckers lias ben given and it is assured that these cities will secure Their stock products from the Salt Iike market. The opening of the new Cudahy Prclc- 1 ing plant on March t will be marked bv a In r ire stock show similar to the stock shows srivon in tiie eastern cities. The Interrnountain Stock Show association ha- be-n temporarily organized for this ' purpose. " j Or. lliouard dollars in cah prizes will , be offered. Inquiries and entries have j been coming in the last few days, indicating indi-cating that the number of exhibits will be laree. C. E. Parsons, manager of the temporary tem-porary association, will furnish entry blanks and any information desired. The temporary office of the association is in the Cuilen hotel. Preparations are now being made also for a hie stO'-k show which will he held in 1 9 1 S, at tiie same time as the convention con-vention here of the American Livestock association. |