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Show EAST AM3 WEST WILL : COLLIDEJTHIS WEEK Spirited Struggle Looked for Friday; L. D. S. U. and Bingham to Clash. Two hai-ktha 11 contests which rank as I lie most important of tlio season in Hie I:iko dhhqnn arc Si'hcrlulcd frir this ,: v. pok. In hpction 1 (ho 1,. s. I'. and the r;mph;im hiyh srhnol five meet in tho . I'esoret fcvnuuisiuni Wednesday after noon, unci on Friday tho East and West hish schools hatllo In Paction 2, the game . .... if; s.'hiThilcd for (lie K;ist hit-'h p. 'hoot. The jasl wonk I'iiilrd to develop any . . ; si art lin.u pp.mi r i L? . . with tlie except ion of the Km st high iKfral at Tooele. Results Re-sults of Ihe prist -week c;ivc victories to ' -I 1 1-. S. I '. ii ml Iilnt;h;im in sol1 t ion 1 and West hiIi and Tooele in section 2. Their defeat puts the ICast high at a tie with the. Tonelo five, but. it is the con scum is of opi nion t hat the title' in f-e.'t ion 'J ivsl a lie t ween the Kast high and the West hi.li. T'he Leopards lay i heir di-fe:i t. to t he a hsenee of Komney I'nun I he lineup. With the importance which Friday's tat ne "ill have upon deriding the section champions, the buttles between the Leopards Leop-ards and Panthers urn always treats; in met, theso names ji re (ho only contests which appear to develop much spirit. To Play Billings. Monday and Tuedav tho Leonards play Killings. Mont., high school, hut this Is not. expected to affect them adversely for the I'n nt her battle. Tho experiments attempted at-tempted al Tooele are not to bo repeated, re-peated, i 'on eh Ki t zpn t rii-U is determined to have a. pood s.iiad in the, field, and the present week will see new fa ces on the first squad. This is a ccrtainfC! The West high is buck home after its l.ouan trip and will put in a busy week preparing for t he Leopards. The West Migh holds the lead in the section, and a win Kridjiy will h hout cinch matters for t he Pant hers. The t p;iui used against (.Irantsvillo will probably lace the Leopards. Leop-ards. The L. P. S. X'. fans are not regarding Fin glut in as a trial horse this yea r. In . k fact, the Saints expect one of the tough-' tough-' . est battles of tho "year. The Gold and Pine is going nt a nice lick at present, but they will have to keep It up if they hope to put it over the .Miners. The Saints played the B. Y. U. Saturday Satur-day night, hut it is doubtful if the contest con-test helped them any. as all the players showed the of'ecis of Friday's pa me with ' . i ranite. ami t hey were not able to go ai their best clip. Bingham Has Fast Team. Ringhain has the best team in its his- tory. v'oach Homer fhvistenpcn has been ' working his hoys overtime, and although hc.ru Murray and Jordan gave them hard ' t'attles. the Miner; came out on top and ai'o ready to tackle the tomiidable Saints. '! If the box--; keep in training: and retain i perfect condition, the coach savs, he has the state champions or a five that will ' . rank one, two. t hree in the sta te. t"-hn-:ha m wi'l brin down practically the entire F-'iiool for this week's same, and if the Miners win Salt Lake wall he loo small toehold Kingham's loyal rooters. Tho northern d i i s i on pla -ed a few arames during the past week, but the only one of Importance whs that between the Davis conn t y hlh school and Boxelder, in which t he Ftrlnpham rpilnt won. The winner of that, game stands a big chance of coming out on top in that division-The division-The Weber-Boxelder and Weber-Pa vis county games are tlie most important of the present week. To show their dissatisfaction dissatis-faction at the red i strict inp in the division. di-vision. outh Cache forfeited their game to Pavis county, yet they played Bon-elder. Bon-elder. Lehi Is Unbeaten. In the Alpine division Lehi continues to retain the lead, having beaten all tho teams with the exception of Heher, that game being postponed. American Fork a ppeara to be the second best, although t here is some talk of a protest against ! the playing of two players during the game in the first semester against Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove. No games of any Importance are carded for this division this week. ipringvllle remains at the top of the Xebo section, and, on the showing of the other teams in the league, will continue to hold that position. The B. Y. U. high school looms up as the only team to give the Spiingvllle bunch a close hattle. Salina furnished the surprise of the wpek in the Sevier section of the Sanpeto-Sevier Sanpeto-Sevier division, by winning from Richfield. Rich-field. The contest for honors In tills section sec-tion rests between the two quints, with Snlina holding the lead. Owing to an epidemic of sickness in Mnnti that town's team has withdrawn from the Sanpete section. Snow academy won in the opening game from Mt. Pleasant Pleas-ant by a decisive score, and the Kphraim team has the edge on the other fives in the sectional race. The contest which is stirring southern L'tah will materialize Friday when Dixie academy battles the state champion Branch Agricultural college at Cedar City. Tills eatne is the only game feared by the Cedar bunch, and a victory for the B. A. C. will practically assure them of the division honors. Wednesday Cedar plays Kanab. In the northern half of that division Murdock academy has a fair team, although al-though it lias been beaten twice by Jack Chrlstensen's B. A. C. band of hoopers. |