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Show SERVICES ARE HELD FOR LUCILE HANSON Funeral services were held yesterday at 1 o'clock from the Fifth ward meeting house for Lucile Hanson, 21 years of age, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Han-r son R45 West Sixth North street, who died Thursday. Bishop J. R. Pettit presided. pre-sided. Thomas C. Nuttall offered tlie prayer and George Burbldge and ITy-rum ITy-rum P. Kolsom were the speakers. Miss Marie Watson and Mrs. A. G. Giauque, Jr., were the," singers. The chapel was rilled to overflowing wit h friends of the departed, and the floral decorations were profuse and beautiful. beau-tiful. The pallbearers were Leonard Watson, Joseph Burton, Milo Gilson, James Milestrup, Sidney Griffiths and William Hanson. Interment was in the City cemetery! Joshua Saulsbury dedicating the grave. |