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Show HIGH CHURCHMEN ARE SENT OUT OF COUNTRY MEXICO CTTY. Jan. 28. Advices received re-ceived here from Querela ro say t hat Archbishop Orozco Jlminez of Guadalajara, Guadala-jara, who was arrested recently in Zm-a-tecas on a charge of conspiracy agn inst th government, has beep ordered deported. de-ported. The reports sav also that the Right Rev. Miguel rie La Mora, bishop of Zacatecas, who wa s a rres t cd at the same time, has left the country. It was announced recently tha t A rch-bishop rch-bishop Jlminez and Bishop de La Mora would be tried by court-martial. On January 22 the announcement, was mode from Washington tha t the state depa rt -ment had appealed to General Carra nza to spare the lives of t lie prelates. The charge against the prelates was that they were implicated in a plot to further t he plans of Villa. |