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Show BILLIIGS WILL PLAY LE0P1SJ0IHT Ott Romney's Fast Aggregation Aggrega-tion Will Be East High Opponents at Gym. One of the fastest same? of the local scholastic basketball season Is expected tonight In the Dese-rtt gymnasium at 8:20 o'clock between the Billings, Mont., high school five "and the East high school quintette. Thfs contest will be preceded by a preliminary between the second tea.ms of the Bast and West high schools. The Billings team under the coaching of Ott Romney, who established a name for himself in athletics at the University of Utah, has made a record for Itself this year in the northern region, having played seven games, of which number only one was lost and that by a 25-to-20 score on a strange floor. They arrived late last night and all the players are in tine condition, ready to put up a hard battle to win back some of the laurels lost to the Red and Black when the Tigers were defeated on the gridiron at the hands of the Leopards on Thanksgiving Thanks-giving day In Billings. A rally will be held in honor of the visitors this morning In the East high auditorium, at which members of both teams and their coaches will be present. Much interest Is being manifested by the local students tn the outcome of the hoop game with the Montana Tigers and a record rec-ord crowd will root for the home team tonight. ' Plans for the entertainment of the Tigers Ti-gers provide enough amusement to keep them busy continually duriny their stay. Tomorrow they will be the honored guests at a dance, followed by a banquet at the Newhouse hotel, at which the basketball players and the members of the football team which made the trip Into Montana will be on hand. The East side hoopers are In the best of condition for the game and they will put their best Into It. Although they lost to the Tooele aggregation last Friday Fri-day at Tooele, they are not In the least discouraged and are fully determined to add tonight's contest to the victory list. Several changes in the lineup may be made. Captain Ottfnger will be out of the fracas under doctor's orders, as his knee was again injured in Friday's tussle with Tooele. Blng Brown will occupy the center position. These teams will tangle p. gain In the East high coop tomorrow afternoon, after which a matinee dance will be given. |