OCR Text |
Show NOTICE. Grandma Consolidated Mines Company. The Grandma Consolidated Mines ri,:n-penv ri,:n-penv has been nreaniz'-d t'- take ovr the Goldfld ftoidlriL-H of the Grandma Minln corn pa ny . S l or k holders of the ; ra nd ma Minim: company may exchantf" their share." for 'h" share? of t'r.o Grandma Consolidated Mines company by sending their er-r' ifi' ates. properly indorse., in tl;e underpinned, arrompanierl by one rent Mc) per p'h;i r". or one dollar ?1 .00 p-r bun -'j r ed, ex -ha nge fee, a nd two c"nn ('!) per hundred, or 1 went y rent s 2if ) per : holloa nd s ha t es. revenue : ;i x. A t Ime limit uill be fixed witli in whldi tin chance privileire may be cverrif fl. Active work is now under v;i v on t he prope rl y. BEN GILL. .ScLieiaty. GoiufifclJ, Nevada, , aU30 |