Show DAILY C manages SUB Esq niREE Telo number is local mention in this column 30 centa oer line each insertion A and changes most ba bent to office act later ban 10 a m to n ain dav i OCTOBER 4 1892 ass n millions of homes sars the good cooking Is one ot alie aliet LIessi nira of 1 haiie to always insure good p irad anz etc use gail barden ealo brand the calel sold b 1 ite grafton pa aug NORMAM Moines Iowa DEAR SIR your krausel Kra headache I 1 capsules are good sellers and do the work every time yours truly for sale by smoot drug co THE NEW YORK BOARD OP HEALTH buys the st brand of evaporated cream and it ia recommended by the leading physicians as being free from disease germs because it ia all medical authorities aree that milk should be sterilized to guard against the trac emission of disease germs it is then PUKE FOOD and ia easily digested if sterilized to the PRO PER POINT why ST CHARLES leads it is the most per elect lect nourishment for infants aad in bahda whose digestive organs are necessarily weak your grocer and druggist sell it you a title to procure an abstract from dark without delay for delays are danga and learn the condition of your title office first national bank dan WANTED to buy second hand baegy E boom 9 farat national bank building ISS IS NO W ON exhibition we can Please Everybody such a large assortment qualify and kind is shown in this aj y I 1 li liast AmT big wholesale Whole saie and retail grobeis Q street provo PalAS jarT and goat on band at deal staffords affords St go a yard leave orders at or telephone to the grovu commercial ti 1 vida Bank ProTO J T city agent W K SArro pD fire insurance life i dusenberry KNOWLDEN accident plate glasa GENERAL AGENTS live stock to coart rubber stamps and seals collections made apah advertisements Advertise menta n this column 1 cent per word each day bythe month per line except marriage notices birth notices 50 cents death announcements free obituary comments 10 cents per line no advertisement taken foz less than 25 cents RANTED granted five or six rewa boys at W THE office miscellaneous MEETINGS HP bo patriotic order ol 01 america JL meet every thursday night those desiring to join the order please make application to any member of the orde G E LOOSE past president of title promptly fur A dished to all chiy county and mining property is utah by the co nv arcu ajer REMEMBER drug co carry the largest and best selected stock of dru medicines coliet articles and in utah conaty oar soda water is the finest in town we make a specialty of compounding physicians prescriptions and family receipts conr prices are always reasonable GOING EAST I 1 the colorado midland haa come to utah and ID connection with the rio grande western is undoubtedly now the popular line east buns the fastest trains has the finest scenery and maew at colorado springs and denver with the fastest trains in ahe west for chicago bt louis york etc ticket office main street t HERE IT IS the popular route baat via rio grande wf stern and colorado midland railways ail ways ticket office no main street salt lake only two out 0 chicago special rates to the semiannual conference and territorial ta and exposition for the semiannual semi annual conference october ath to ath and the territorial fair and exposition october ath to ath the rio grade western mil aall tick pTa provo to salt lake at one fare for the round trip will be sold frota october ard 3rd to jtb limited to continuous damage in both directions al limit october C K ALEY abent conference the rio grange cinieri enca trains leave provo sit 8 AS and for salt lake street cars run direct from the R G W depot tc the temple square on sale from d 9 at 1 90 best of i 11 lbs trains it vou pa din ili oud i sa t the coliado Colo ado midland has rin f to it tv anil in ti kin camle wast rl n w d ahe modular line final fatt fat t pt traina tini st scenery sura concer colorado springs and denver with fastest train tor chicago at and ah east COME ONE COME ALL on october ard 3rd to ath the peoples friend the kio grande west era announces its very low excursion ratch to salt lake for the bemi annual conler erre and aso for the territorial rit orial fair it will be a eala ipek in salt lake and all olio af pf able co take advantage of the rates and fine accommodation by alie rio grande western ita coi caca are the finest in the west and it is a pleasure to travel on that road its traina are the fastest and the motto is safety speed and comfort in these days of trouble and worry we should take ad vantage of what comfort we can find FD that in traveling do not fail to select tho road ff erine the bapst tiona is ibe rio grande beai em railway tha territorial exposition opens at salt lake on october ath 1892 with the interest of the c at heart the reliable rio grande arn railway haa again made its low trip rate of to salt lake aroa octoba r ard 3rd to ath inclusive street cars run direct from R G W depot to exposition grounds traits leave aa 48 am and pm f THE LADIES OF miss ella Si ickney has opened a model millinery store on J street in the martin building one block north of the bank corner sue ha an elegant stock of fall and winifr gooda the public is invited to call t the largest and best stock diamonds set and loose to select from repairing in first class juliu jensen THE CENTER ST PROVO SEMI on G street between ath and ath north of perys blacksmith shop prices wellim living ES rom 75 cents to per vuk families will save money by fending their washiro to he home laundry foods CALLED FOR CRAM provo center isbit row with a full supply of SMOKED SALT ESSAYS SAUSAGE lard free derivery dei ivery tu of the THE CASH ARKEt fd class tr every respect cash nt for beef mutton amt fai i i tan 1 I 1 ikhil of ofir fall and winter stock 0 kibis S hili i tails all if will be sold chaap tor gar c lie lr arft ft ai 1 con p att oi goi ds 11 select from call early and mahe your elections the place corner of etli A H streets ans H W PP hns bad at his trade biec w Germ nv denmark ami the liu atal 8 and is now pip P ip a d 0 all work belonging to nia ia cub af AND abt lr art that dear old word goodby Is a mighty sad oae wuen it ii the parting sal between whom thousands 0 milea ol 01 sall water are about to separate marinero mariners Ma buyers in foreign for heavy hausfe commercial travelers irav elers made many tripi across alie stormy atlantic little of an ocean voyage but to the first voyager the initial trip la a momentous affair sea is to be expected as a matter 01 course bow to prevent U the figest preventive of the nausea provoked kiy the tossing of a vessel the arring motion of me screw ola rr ol 01 a locomotive train bittera Bit tere pronounced by aea captains ship loe tors louesta loun sta travelers and emigrants the finest and best desense against ail heuts of the bowels digestive organs and liver in existence malaria rheumatism kidney trouble and debility are remedied by it children cry for pitchers castoria when baby was sick we gave her castoria when sho was a child she cried for castoria when shele same kisa sho aluag to castoria fyhen she had childred Chil drea she cave them castoria |