Show why army WM 80 poor there is an old weather beaten shed that stands c the brookside near the road leading from the west shore railroad station at highlund tip to the iv lage in which two men daring the rebellion made a gaug little fortune the building is in the shadow of overhanging boughs and directly behind a mill that stands at the point where another road leads up a hillside and to he bellevue Bell evua villa I 1 was driving by thera few days ago when the driver of the vehicle in which I 1 waa the solitary passenger turned around to me and indicating with his whip exclaimed dye see that little buil din yes what of it waal agosh dye know two fellers made nigh on a fortun in thera during the war times pon my word making counterfeits eh counterfeits naw battern bet tern that it was the darn dest thing ya ever heard of that business stroke was ill tell y it you know theres lota 0 slate in those hills of it and it breaks to pieces almost when y look at it those two fellers just looked at that blate and then started to chinkin th inkin they talked over what they thought and ohp next thing people hereabouts knew was that grindstones was bein hauled into that buil din then load after load of elate was barkl and dumped in the buil din and thing the people knew there was a roella of them grindstones and piles of powdered slate were carried out and put in wagons and carted off people wondered what was goin on and if they asked the two men just smiled and replied bothin No thin or else es how the powdered elate was bein used all over for soft fillin for teeth but the thing leaked out after awhile then two fellers that elate ind it away to bo mixed in the pepper that was supplied to the army agosh they made a fortune apiece say I 1 wonder how many of the G A K fellers now livin ete the slate from highlands hilla ap eaid tha driver new york herald |